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A@P Get rid of this dialog A@ro@8  < @ 4 . ! 66 L N .!N AJ ٷAttribute VB_Name = "dlgUnStack"D Bas0{14A2721B-BEB4-11D7-B659-0004768@BFDFA}J1 E4J dGlobalSpaco False Cr@eatablPredeclaDIdTru BE`xpose0TemplateDerivCus tomizD' Form s ' Copyright @2002: tistical Services Centre, The Un=rsity of Reading%Written by Howard Grubb, Martyn@ Byng,8lin ayerOption | licit Const DefaultSheet ŁU Dim NoOfVars As InhtegPGI Sub User>_activ@() '9t up d@n @fa box with curr>B Up eColumnA%@s cmnD@A#@Resct outpu8s if prote"@<@Aforc@#Initi@aliseO Range refA, optGNewBEBookore ceHrta@conols to their@ evious valuers ut, @^tFr ZSav}chkA9, F?%FVorBC, _B4 Sort)By CIgn MissJ(C " $lstCiaa$, By xEndCME;(ByVal %<MS;ngH' 'ets @7=fEcCs, a @'/@gBin 1ap1@priaT/comboAO2S ns fromA9 newlSPCall`ies~(e%gL?PutZhoL`a &'B:By, y5:=c@@6-H _Ch]s' E*has j` Od/memberord selclSet:SOBunrtnu itemsB9disOK is nonw= N1 ed(( 0btnOK.En"(f> 0CIfǚ> 1n)CB^AIC@~uc$h@uw.[u6cIffy7By6CH f_7Re_7!< ^G_Cdk%Make sHqTOisiz Ycheckeh%HfraJ.V4= (d A<23%J Ex6-pN B]T .betchPC' t= bp^R@BjEla`bel v txtWorkVH lbl/R&_ U, ` asz  1   =  okO3:  c  2 $7'2& in4, m[cannot b~^s(?5t5crk Row(0 To 0) 'a rowDV{AC2i`KПd `VжP$ = H2(/?=ϕ |+, BA9,8 oIs0thljppecifi`n gay6d. 0 '1P[ ex+ ory messaе.al`dly8pW}.008b&gpfr' .iEnd If' Uaccording to the specifi@ed parters.Cal lS(Vars, colfa@c, RowX, DestinapyData.Value,:=, _-mIgnoreMissG:=, F KMaxZ:=257 -I*.)B"QaveBBv,s oertain;ntrols for nex@t timeCGutSCoDWJBƪC.-@,Å C?JFOK@Ra ngf@NewBookSheet, lstz0iabl@ ByEIG@ridGthis dialogUnloa0d MeBv Sub  N ,h    "  "   '0+@ (P (` ",p,(,,(, B(,p  t 6  ) @ 8 H Xh p "x   "  "  N "()P` x " * )  " 6  " )  "  ,(  ,X    "  ,  ,  ( 8 " @ *H  Px    "    "  &  @ P "X "`  ,&& 09H`&x&7  .  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(o $ '2o& Existing Range option has been chosen% Make book name box and label visible ( (oP% New Worksheet option has been chosen% Make book name box and label visible ( (o@$ New Workbook option has been chosenI Make book name box and label invisible, since new book cannot be renamed ( (o !(A@jo Cancel button has been clicked A@ro OK button has been clicked]@]x]]] T8 VX& Get the ids of the selected variables \ A> b A>x v 2 2  A>kp f!d Data Points' Find the output range $   : XYPlot$.. .G|j       . ! f!d R  xA t    f b \  v xA@P A@ro@ %+9 Plot series on a graph from stacked data (for filtering)]`]]]]]]](]@]X]p]]] Dim ByColour As Boolean]] ]@ ]&t '<x ]#N/A  Find the output range .. 'T 'V '2 2 F Factor(s) specified. Get their names and set ByColour appropriately.1 NB ByColour doesn't make sense without a factor.  2 G ,'j  $$' d'k B Do not use factor to unstack, but carry the factor values across.  $+d( Unstack using the factor, but no carry. 2  2 $ +  kX V' T  An X column is specified.$$' Unstack the Xdata by factor %  %$0. %  %$0.kh  %.         !N $J '2 set up string of Y column names, comma separated.  V  G ,'j  $$'  Choose default chart type f!rG f(rj Hide the data !!( Produce the chart f!r$X        A G Replace temporary small number with #N/A to get rid of spurious points !.   B@o         !N $J ';Attribute VB_Name = "dlgXYPlot" " Bas0{14A27223-BEB4-11D7-B659-0004768B FDFA}J1EEJ dGlobaBlSpacoFalse Cre atablPr@edeclaI"dTru BEx0pose0TempBlateDerivCustomizD ' Form  ' Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, @The UnArsity of Reading%Written by Howard Grubb,2linayerOption zlicit Const strByColou rJ"DGrad @%ong Dim NoOfFactors As Integ(XVaTYRChartTypeL>(0 To 6b)J P_a Sub chkT@rend_C0k()A0End User^_+ ivC '-itialitVts 0CallBs(cmnDAPutFumn ?o.box lstBy, G:=Ú@ Xvar.AddItem DummyAc V0VTB((cbo, "A5 Points only", xlXYScaIrc_ p@Sp"Lin UNoMarkers_ %AC a:KB CurvSmooth?BT( Z `'A**BwleBC_/Gy:).aIn(dex~0HIncOutputRange refa, opC"NewSheetBookG eretrols SavG a +._" )@@k_,aoaepIf Act Workb.MultiAEd@ngAne ' ` is s ,- m ce@h a new| w %#.Valu!& .EnЀ+RAIf B$2, I]By TextYSngÿsCodeH]," With 6RqEVK7+Count - 1)P+d1#X_` -!aA 20yheck that@e n umbervsePlecti \sF 0ubcstY _!non-zero,&so FeOK `to%t+s@ NST(-3?btnOK(> 03 1r  `K@ 0#}= 01'1...n 5EҙI C +  By By.Visib?#6hMA Ʌ= o By< 'QE3TPhas be ch!r' Make %ok na%elabel vtxtIшLJbl/& G, `QsQ_`  V  T %l $   X ^P  in4, sinaacannot`td_meXO?0tCHelp'bGetQ Me.q`]IDCa lBut@L<N -qeUnloadpٻRO,S1ȽJ(Zs?k#l,ea Din>T 0Re1 vQDS a' 0rcid@fEW pgi!i9iInudqV, o!s6, նYvars) ReDim Factor(@0 To 0If chkBy And NoOfAs <> h|en~\JCall ItemsInBox(l`stBy,y%E iIfVMarkers = (InStr(cboChartType.Text, "Data Points")m!C' FiQthe output@ rangeSet Desti@nation3OR(optNewBook, !Shee9tx@tWorksName, _'o1ref-ZXYPlot"U CIsthing T Exit Sub2NXYBySeries(, XV, ,n,Copy.Valu .ByCol`our:=YFs4trE)K1&Ld bQYq[0_?^^hD Choo Zdefault@ tPListIndex- 0"B' Hide^a?2-urtReg.Entir!G.HiHdden = True @' Produce the chart\Call MakeCH(TypeLi@st(cbo ."Index), XColumns, Y_ XName%-FactorBy:our:=  , CMarkers:=,endline:h=Tr )~'@ Replauemporary smtnumber with #N/A to get rid of spurious point s&SXDestinatio! .CurAtReg DS?BN?, NA End Sub functions for alternative forms of regression including:* PowerTrans - Box Cox power transformation+ ZSlope - regression through the origin# RIntercept - intercept of res line RSlope - slope of res line/ Written by Howard Grubb, October/November 1998< Department of Applied Statistics, The University of Reading http://www.rdg.ac.uk/~snsgrubb$ this is default (arrays start at 0)]7 Nrow = x.Rows.Count ' need to consider input as array Ncol = x.Columns.Count   A $Gzj   output is same size as input ) straightforward (natural) log (of array)   8   8$ :%  8 + 8 d/ a power - note no checking for range of lambda   8   8$     8 + 8 k 'i1 Compute slope of line y=bx (i.e. through origin)  :%  :%'  :%  :%'0 each bit works separately and returns an array," hence need array operations below   :% :%'" above is array version of Num/Deni9 Compute intercept (a) of (3 point) resistant line y=a+bx  $'$' want first element of array4By default arrays start at 0 (use Option Base 1 o/w)i5 Compute slope (b) of (3 point) resistant line y=a+bx  $'$' want second element of array??i(@ why can't we use Application.Offset(x,start,0,finish-start,1)??    @]H    $   +  'D PartArray = Application.Offset(x, start, 0, start + finish - 1, 1)i`4 find the median of part of an array x(start:finish)    ]     $    +   :%'i08( Compute (3 point) resistant line y=a+bxD use RSlope and RIntercept to extract slope and intercept components] ]X  :%'  + " how many in first and last groups $  +  how many in middle group$ +  how many in end group+   where to start first group$ $  +  where to start second group$ $  +  where to start third group   $  $  $   $ +  $  $  $   $ +    :%'   :%' + why start at 0?? + '; note that returned value is an array of two (3??) elementsi`A fit a resistant line y=a+bx and return the fitted value at new_x  $'* this function returns parameters as array$$  'i? Converts a range or array parameter into a 2-dimensional array < C ?"1xME(<<< <p `@ I `sGi`p`8`E`  `H I hI  ` I I  `H I h$I rt a `` I er ii = xiA( ` 8` I of aiiH5M ` ena `x I I @ T@  Ping 8e bop   cho `@ I `optiI I MI invi `i !(i  Cid@ 0`0%x   N p Z 0 2  *X & 6 B &0 X,` B   > 0:H>2 0 @8P<   ( B 0 88 p  6 (  (0X B ` @h0 :0 B 8 <@4 B  F(H Ph  J B  : @ ` h     B  . J &X &  F @ 0H 0x B B 8 :P :    & 8 JH  B  H B  8X " ` Fh   H"(0X*h .   48 8p   Module Stats_Functionss\G Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading Written by Howard GrubbT This module contains a few$ A Parameter is either a range or an array (possibly 1-dimensional)In case we have an array !'Convert range to array '" In case of a 1-dimensional array 'dP( Parameter is not an array - return null'k|" $`  - Copy from 1-D array into temporary 2-D array1(NB Redim Preserve won't change no of dimensions) $ +$  $' o<Attribute VB_Name = "stats_functions" ' Module JShFh 6Copyright@ 2002:Histical Services Centre, The University of ReadingKWritten by Howard GrubbThis mcontains a few  for alternatfmsgregress incl ut:_PowerTra&- BPox Cp t (m%onZSlope - )throuPgh tooiRInDcepxt -:zE Pline)R)s/, October/Novem 1998)Departm}Applie ds' http://www.rdg.ac.uk/~snsgAc' Op Base 0 '@>@gdefault (arrays rt at 0)qPubPlic Ő G_(@x, ByV@Lambda As( Do e `Dim iTg er, jJNrDow col ( AF  = x.Rows.Count/neGto siderkpu-@1CAAColumn Call Make2DA c3, N 0 If IsNull(x)n ExitBRe9hRes@P((o,ut$@Xssize as)@Z(N=Z'_r.a@(ural) log N(M4# Fgiက1 To%! ]j@ x i@\12- 1) bNcg.Ln((x(i) Next jb2iaElIa p- non2pheck|rge[l"E=  ^ D*N/ vnd@= =$ Ee_a(y, x@%'`m>e Ƃ y=bx (i.e.n+Num/MMI)2pose(y)gc l= x' each b Ywork~Aately a return "M,AihenceV bn rbEs belowA,dKQ@,+Inae(DenL' a:b` e "on{F/1Ƿ2i&(a) (3`Vՠ)sa5a+bxf$AL `h=Q(0)awfirst eleB(By ŭB1 (u`i1 o/w D}Ph/3((bn&&'oC' se%Xd??Priv`&doW`g dbFinishaPhy can't we /Offset\Bl,0,f2-\1)a PA[xw(D-v+Pk115K 0W qUAUPTP {GSPE ?5 Y i# 0,z+ S\1Pn"Median/#  `dPKe ^m3qa$B x( :# q#O"O Fm Ohrt(F (~i2i9( 0ol*}?7^Dt2^D'*3UuractbGJcompons%, n l(3\ns`EmxmybK(2!n”Ѝl(r7((nQs/ 3AMhmxanyP'M l*a@Nglp2 nl n)2 * bBmidd`B4=in Vehs 1!Vhere 2' 27+w[tKisQ b`Fthird V*3 i'6ispADy+HysPdH.Skw2(m@m aUr͋v#m=WST= R 43 s`thvpalue"Dtwo (3??)Ee%?:?:1:Fitcbp0ew_|a1zOoNtf nA s @ s QQgs$ + 3Sub Make2DArray(Data As Variant, Nrow@Intege"r@col@) ' Converts a range or a parameter into>2-dimensionalHDIf Is) Then fPLs ei,thV qnt(possibly 1 mIOn ErrResum@e Next 'In case we have a(A= .Value~'~t~= UBound, 1FGoTo ǁ+Fofd[N /2/EHlseB' noto - return null D;NEnd IfBExit Sub -:BReDim temp(1 4/?; @ BA@oHXFirst ~B@^ retSecond ~B@^ray Third ~B@^ F ~(roR Variable list has just changed, so check whether the OK button should be enabled. $ '   (oP  B! &( B! .( B! J(o` 2 4( 2 *( *! *(rA@Nko 6 8( 6 ,( ,! ,(rA@RkXoP] ]8 *!r'V ,!r VG T ,(rj .!r VG T .(rj V'ToP]] ,!r'V *!r VG T *(rj .!r VG T .(rj V'To`]] .!r'V ,!r VG T ,(rj *!r VG T *(rj V'To0& Existing Range option has been chosen% Make book name box and label visible ( (oXp% New Worksheet option has been chosen% Make book name box and label visible ( (o$ New Workbook option has been chosenI Make book name box and label invisible, since new book cannot be renamed ( (o !(A@jo0 Cancel button just been clicked A@rop OK button has been clicked]]]]0 Find the output range   : Stack$.^ ^G|j& Get the ids of the selected variables <  <A> &$ '`* Get the ids of any selected carry factors `d & dA> Set up order of columns *!r+b ,!r+b .!r+b* Call the Stack routine to do the business  < d ^  2 4 6 8 : < > @ bbAf     0      & 2 4 6 8 * , . : < > @ BA@P A@roMAttribute VB_Name = "dlgStack"  Bas|0{14A2721F-BEB4-11D7-B659-0004768BFDFA}J1ECJ dGlobal!SpacoFalse CreatablPre declaIdTru BExpose0TemplateDerivCustoHmizD ' Form  ' Copyright 2002: tistical Services Centre, The UnBrsity of Reading%Written by Martyn Byng,1lin GrayerOption z licit Dim NoOfVars As InhtegC P@=@? Sub User1_activ@()A '@+@t up t(l@0 boxes B Call@itrs(cmnD@lAm@PutColumn oL lst@$iTBZ Car ry, F&or:=yBFillOrderBo`x cbo!, 0, 1Row, 2@Initia@@eOutputRange ref0, opBNe@wSheetBXookereCoolsA ckSavchk0_ :HV,YO Rck txt4, ee$C- J.0e)oMatch"Omi%@ `Trai[\k! EndWUiY)B(BA^Combo`, gVaVdexa]@.AddItem "First``/SecondThir]In =d(7_ChKp?' e "phas j@5d, so`eck wheuruOK t should be enand.c)ƃ= NumberSelected((zbtnOK.EcE@(f> 0C 8_Cka ;.Visi}%.@5a` IlbÁ NfclSe &bkIftʖ`n  J,GadIf _ C;/s? k( j 1 1y).Yvy).Yvly).Yvy).YvxMEPSPSSS 4/ta >/OvOOBEOP&'P` Pwbe\chZb 'keok nAaalabel vmPdWorkb0LUPl/د p, ` as  a     okOpے=    2 3in4ДinPnewcan(notѓrmed_men o%7TTHelFp'bGetQ Me.qextIDSub btnCancel_Click() '  button just been cedUnload Me End PrivateOK ' OKhasUZDim i As Integer, k1 jun 3OutRange,NoOfCar0riesIrder(0 To 2)  ' Firthe output r5 Set ==@(optNew@Book, Sheet, tx@tWorksName, ref, "Stac$k"If-Is Nothing ThExit7SGFRid s of selected variables ReZVars<(1>IAN@Call ItemsInBox(lst B, B  Y= NumbernS `yĘ 'B +any +cky facto~r ,kH!-B,9@rr!!pup oMcolumnOÆ) = cboBData.ListInXdexC 1I FB. GRow OD%]o rine to doubuss)B -B (d9,, _@chkCopy!,  SReVCl Match 8Omi\Tr8ail@W@A*:=b&AutSaveControls ! i@jflm VA E +EE(H'?2!hk(ng#"db: B*  D  B  L8 X    :HPX.S`  '    @ X Th $  B'Pp x  "  *  B  B "8  ` " "   $  (0 4X " 0    ,0 6`   %7  0 0 8 &_H p B x d(lx41xME <0< <<<$<<<<<(<,<0<4<8<<<(+j`@@## il `inIp @`tb`v``x^ j`00I| X strinI~ Helim+ `@##6)( age%%`t`pe en+`@` Y) %%`tg sp @`@  di vg iiter`jthe ` +P`@i n thii`nj`d+`,@i %`p+P`L i  pH%+ ` iHPP@ h %xx ssc-stat.hlp`t`pPP@ `tH`p`th`t`l`p  `l PP@ `t`p`l`t`l`p`lPP@ `t`p`l`t`p `l  8P@ `t`p`l` (` `p `l 8 8(( x8 T 8 `lt@ ` 0@pd  D `lt @pd p 4  $ @ @ p 8 @ p `lt  @pd  8  `lt @pd   xH @d  ` @P @L (@H/ `lt @pd @(8 @( `lt@pd   8 L  @ @ ` H xX`lt@8@pd  L @< xX, @ @ @ @ @0p  xhP x P`x (`@l `pt\ @L @H``8 @( @ @ `tXh @ @@ @ HH (X@Hl `t @pX H @8 ( @   @ @ /  P 0  N :h  <6'4  Q  B  J X 0`    :    2  X !h H  "5 > 0H .>x  4        0  @ P X " ` 2h  :  , ( 0 B8 P X  ` p : & 2   8@ x 6Z  B   <( *h  6!    B   : 8 @!HX` hp x B   T  H Module modUtilityG Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading3 Written by Howard Grubb, Martyn Byng, Colin Grayer PH============================================================== Miscellaneous procedures  rF Returns the trimmed string starting at pos and delimited by DelimiterQ Changes Pos to point to the position after the delimiter, or 0 if end of message]]] n4 Already at the end of the text. Return null string.(rj'jzk n l l n$$zb Ignore leading spaces n 'nj8 l n$'l(rj StartPos = Pos l p'vg v has: Delimiter not found - return the remainder of the message l'xN Pos points to end of message so that subsequent call returns an empty string.% M'nd0 Return the delimited message v 'x< Pos points after the delimiter ready to get the next field. n v p  'nk l x$'jih   T$R!V\ ~ | :Bo; Returns a range containing all data contained in a column, starting at the given cell. Dim EndOfData As Range Dim NewEndOfData As Range Dim NewEndValue As String On Error Resume Next Set NewEndOfData = Start(1) Do" Set EndOfData = NewEndOfData. Set NewEndOfData = EndOfData.End(xlDown) If Err.Number = 0 Then) NewEndValue = NewEndOfData.Value Else NewEndValue = "" End If% Loop Until NewEndOfData.Value = ""0 Set AllDataInColumn = Range(Start, EndOfData)]] !55!  'q(* For i = MaxRow To Start.Row + 1 Step -1* If Start(i).Value = "" Then Exit For Next i$ $$0$.i ]  !! $!Gyj $ $$0.iC Returns the format needed to display number to specified sig figs.]( $Gzj0e.g. if it is an error 'Make it positive   4 SigFigs out of reasonable range, use default format'  e, Number is an integer, so display as integer0'    eA All sig figs are to left of decimal point, so display as integer0'    e8 Number is very small, display in scientific format with) specified no of sig figs in the mantissa0.0  #$\E+00'dP- Calculate how many decimal places to include0.0'      Gyj #' ki@, Give standard error message if error occurs !/Tried to write outside the worksheet boundariesA@dError !:  !A@ko ] ]8 Pos = 1 Do3 Field = NextField(ThisString, Pos, Oldstring) If Field = "" Then Exit Do+ ReplaceString = ReplaceString & Field If Pos <> 0 Then2 ReplaceString = ReplaceString & NewString End If Loop_X  'n nGxj  n $   n  $' 'iP5 Returns range referred to by the given defined name.# Returns Null if it does not exist.]X  %!' $0.z( .i4 Checks whether the supplied range address is valid.]0 $0.'z'iPM Converts a number in local decimal format to standard decimal format (23.45) X$'i $$ Gyj/Modified by CJG 17/2/03Attribute VB_Name = "modUtility" ' ModuHle T XCopyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The Univers of ReadingKWritten by Howard Grubb, Martyn Byng, Colinayer7Option Expl@icit Priva)=9wMiscellaneous procedures/PubA FuncINextField(ByVMess@age Asr{, _ ByRef PosInteger~69Del@imiterv`bTab)?gReturns tfmmed s9ng]@) at p and :ddiChangzA+to pint @iyBDafA"3or 0 if e;mCIFCDi2mrtBEnd`L@@]P CIW= @nAAd' Alr@y?A,'tv.AN nullL.7~]"yExitF / IfDo Whiс3<= .(nQHMid,A, 1)Space(1)C ' Ignore l s@!A"=+ 1 Loop#T= ~'|c1bD0= InStrgDwd.F0!j. not fou@- rTbTremaindY@Ea1E_>''poT^oN so @^subseq*u@ ls an emptyo>*0!lseimbh$-4N#iadyngeˠo`zn@U fS? +BM5 SZLeft<.9< ASub GetHel$p(̔CoxttId`Y1XA Fe= SSCR b%Ca sApon."Add0Ins().Path & "\" Aͤ AllDataInumn(bdaRᢢ"bB&'I r c [­d@ e Ual ,st`gn a3=a !1OfagNewk.uXkOPwrr[Resu@!~S' J!DDoP7= yJ 6.(xlDownpJ + Err.NumboFp [.BE<l@pґ p2T @.1aq#"#$,aU(qMaxRowALo!di)"Wi-A@veSheet.Used(= .E!+bs.CWt@ Fpi YToz1ep -eQp_"1x(i)H`Aqoa$ i B/n!emoveTDra ngBks(x&,# (# )) IVy9(My `=b !&5N2'Is@+os)' i0]BCJG 17/2/03b <> ""װqR_s1J/%_o } BPܰSigF o`rmat(t9Variant/RaNf needpQdispplay`>specsigogsQV*N0Is eric4  'e.g.A+i3P = AbsF'Make vふs < 1 Or > 8RbAout0sonab0Ad, usepfaulC`) PtMIf f $Eas d/ R0;> 10 ^ (Ec0R  al!dm",6>A  -9] 0cPl, P{slci(c wXg *no &.m1iP 4.0!S2, "#")1E+0HБculhow many decimal places to include SigFormat = "0.0"l`For i(Fs - 2 To -9 Step -1PIf Number > 10 ^8Then Exit H* r & "#@Next i9E nd If  Function Public Sub FlagError()' Give stand ard e message ifoccursW/f".h=h04 gMsgBox "Triedwrite outside the worksheet bDou>iesmEls$Z " ,& <: DescripzAGH ReString(ByBVThis As@s, _E7@COldsB1NewM)B Dim PosAInteger Field '@+ jDoC = (?,, 3@ ""B~CU@& !A(<> 0D]LF~LoopG=@BIn- #=D= Left'`1)V:& Mid+n(sF- "V~\FindNamedRange\gELb 'cturns rA refyby"xg@n@finn .LNull`donot existDYpAddr`W,O`Go`No #e= A veJSa.as().RAsT>S aR!$ c. 4 :Noth1 i 1Efb1Boolea `' Checks wher/suppl#4a(is validl,r+;b+Ingar$gTru' C(jFa'D΅XK'#B 'onverts a nin locp^f}p(23.45#"r0DCDbl( )He8  0@HPX`hpx (0h/8@HPX`hp* x  8     0H`x 8p/P  X %x  F   ("R0 X h  6p& .. v1xME@ <0 `"8`$X4 8 X p%@68 @Lh X @Lh ` N @Lh @NX @H  @68 0@Lh @Lh @NX @(H 0 @68 @H( @NX @(H @68 [ @H( @Lh @NX @(H @68 @H( @Lh @NX @(H @68 @H( @Lh @NX @(H @68 @H( @Lh @NX @(H @68 @H( @Lh @NX @(H @ @68 @H( @Lh @@NX @(H @68 @H( @(( @  @NX @H @68 @(( @  @Lh @NX @H @68 @(( @). i0 (i HIL$ p IN4  ID  I6T  Id I t 0I  @ P (@Lh (@NX @H @68 @(( @ h @Lh (@NX @H @68 @(( @  @Lh (@NX @H @68 @(( @  @Lh @NX @H @68 @(( @  @Lh @NX @H @@68 p@(( X@  @Lh @NX @H @68 (@(( @ 8 @Lh (@NX @H @68 @(( @  @Lh @NX @H P@68 @(( @ p  @Lh @NX @H @68 @(( @  (@Lh (@NX @H @68 @(( @  @Lh (@NX @H @68 @(( @ @ @Lh @NX `xH@x 0@0 H @0`xH@x 0@0 H @0`xH@x 0@0 H @0`xH@x 0@0 H @0`xH@x 0@0 H @0(0@H (@68 @(( @  @Lh (@NX @H @68 @(( @  @Lh (@NX @H @68 @(( @ 0  @x80 +X@(( @ (  @NX (@H @68 @(( @  @Lh @NX X@H @68 @(( @  DFH*,.  @ ( p468 <:` @0H: 0 @ [p @ @ @ @ ^`x(@`0@00`H`)@  d(0  H dX  (p k O @ k`  p  !p!( @ (!}8! 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F" <P" B" "  " D" # (# 0##@# X#  `# &h#9# # # 7# # (#$ $ ,0$7`$$$ $ &$#$7$%%% % ((%;P%h%8' x% % &%9% % % P% 0&@& >H&=`&p&  x& %&  .&&& && & / Module modUnstackG Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading3 Written by Howard Grubb, Martyn Byng, Colin GrayerPH]H]`]x]]]]]]] ]8]P]h]]]](]@]`]]]]]]](]@]`]x]]]]]]]0]H]`]x]]]]]](]@]X]p]]]]]]&82 Get the number of factors and number of variables <' '2 ' Handle unstack options 6$( 6 B' 6 B' 6 D'  6 F' 6 H' 6 *' 6 ,' 6 .'  6 0'  6 2' 6 4' 6 6' 6 8'k` switch calculation off < :(:? Select the output range so that subsequent selections work OK. .A>n de 0  X! Set up row factor column headers $$  .,n  '0 Unstacked columns follow the row factor columns  .%. 8  Unsta      "#$%&'5)*+,-./01234!6789:;<=>?@A DEF`HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_Cabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ck one column at a time 8$<$@' 8$<$' $0. !''  !B % Handle multiple areas in this column !!' !  '  Loop over rows Z  Z$. 6 Ignore hidden rows (i.e. they have been filtered out) !D!GFj ) Cater for possible error value e.g. #N/A !'"  Optionally ignore empty cells L "GFj . Get the factor value combination for this row'  2 Z  $$@$0#!'  NGFjMissing' $e: force the factor number to be prefixed by the factor name' k  , Separate multiple factor values with commas ,'k(  '  @ Look at existing output columns to see whether this combination ( of factor values has already been found'   $H $$H 'y@k8  / This combination has not been encountered yet.] Increment the factor level counter, and add the new combination to the array holding factors  '  + '  %., Set up the column header for the new column 2/ No factors, so simply use the data column name  (d ? Make header in form Dataname:Factor1=Value1,Factor2=Value2,...'n  2  G !, (j ! $$=  n,$j ( d+ Only put the factor value(s) in the header  (kP  Prefix the data column name : ! (kk' New column is empty, so start at row 2 +k 4 If there are no row factors, then put the data intoG the first empty cell in the column corresponding to the current factor $'   %.  +d@ There are some row factors. Insert new value in next free row,0 and handle concatenation of rows after sorting. Get the row factor values.  *J Z  $$@$0#% +  Get the next available row  '$ Insert the row factors into the row    $$0!   .%(d= $   .%(Lk . Point to position of the variable in this row   %.kP . Remember the highest numbered row used so far   G 'j  Insert the data cell value% Directly copy the data into the cell " ( $( " "$ $ (k@ e, Set value to 1 to indicate that it occurred (d - Copy the reference to the data into the cellJ %' $( * =IF(ISNUMBER( ), , $) (Ld( "7 Blank data cell. Use an IF function, to avoid problems7 with references to a blank cell being treated as zero. -=IF( ="", , ) (LdH =  (Lk( k k F Z End of loop over rows  E Point to next set of output columns in case there are more variables  %. 8 . !N .!N '    ! Sort the rows by the row factors 7  7$0.   % Sort by row factors in reverse order  %P. R VT B@ k8  G Concatenate rows with the same row factor combination, where possible. "7  7$0.   P'Start at row 2'  b7 Check if this row has the same row factors as previous 8 '  87  87 Gyj' 8 C Same row factors. Try to concatenate this row with previous ones. 8    87!L' 3 Cell has something in it, so is a duplicate value.; Take appropriate action according to the duplicate option. $ Look for a free cell in this column Z 8$  Z 87!> Copy the value into the free cell and clear the original cell  Z 87(L  8;yk Z Z 8+ 8$  G 8$'j e 87!' Z 8  Z7!'  $ ! Names match   $$X' 8$ Z7!Gyjkh Z Z  6 No suitable column found - create new one if possible Z! Insert new column name  Z; Z'  @pkk Copy the value into column k Z  87!L 8$ Z7(Lk   8; 8$'  8; 8$'up e 8$ 87!9 No value so far for this combination, so insert this one  87 8$ 87(d@, A value already exists for this combination !Overwrite it with current value  87 8$ 87( e!/ Overwrite current value if new value is larger 8$ 87!  87  87 8$ 87(k e!0 Overwrite current value if new value is smaller 8$ 87!  87  87 8$ 87(kpkhk` 8$  Clear the current cell  8;k 8$'kk 8d Row factors do not match.@ Delete any redundant columns of previous row factor combination( i = LastRowUsed + 1 End If2 Blank out the first row factor of redundant rows.; Make this row the first of the new row factor combination. 8    8+ 8 'kP  '8'  t cell ndkqk  L Sort the columns into ascending order. This has to be done after adjusting @ for duplicates since the number of columns and rows may change.  7  7$0.   7  7$0.  '8  %!d' :'n' n  n $'k  Insert column name into 1st key   ,'8k  n $$Z' b" Insert a factor into the sort key ='n n & A factor name is given - strip it off  n $$Z'k ,'n n  Another factor follows this one  n $'$  n $$Z'd8 '$'k " Insert factor value into sort key $ 8  , 8 '8  Insert column name into 3rd key   ,kx  %R %\ %^ `T B@ B@Zk7B@H5!B@bq Turn on calculation d :(:' Return the number of columns generated 'Jz`&XA@iH@ 8 Gxj' Can only sort on max 3 factors(( !GError'"j<Modified by CJG 17/2/03  "Error8Modified by CJG 17/2/03(  kH)C Cannot cope with so many factors - ignore any further combinationsF((B The following If statement checks that the max no of combinations3 will not exceed the number of Excel columns (256).tRegNo Added by CJG 18/3/03@dk !N  y!No point in creating more columns(B The following If statement checks that the max no of combinations3 will not exceed the number of Excel columns (256). Added by CJG 18/3/03me3@2 NoOfColumns = OutputColumns.Column - .Column'0 %+17;AG""+] k+' Too many factor levels found. : "Some factor levels will be ignoredA@`+ 'x,- If LastRowUsed < i - 1 ThenY Range(.Cells(LastRowUsed + 1, 1), .Cells(i - 1, NoOfColumns)).DeleteL NoOfOutputRows = NoOfOutputRows - (i - LastRowUsed - 1) 8y willdN They will be deleted later, but Excel's Delete is very slow so should be done 8   in 8. 8   8;1 at the end rather than in this loop. CJG 4/4/03 Delete redundant cells.in 73 8; 5 Blank out any redundant rows at the end. CJG 4/4/03 N Now concatenate non-redundant rows so that the redundant rows are at the end. K This enables them to be deleted all at once, which is much more efficient.k ) Ignore redundant rows  '   k( Move this non-redundant row up 8  8  87  8;    7  7$0B@Zp(] 6 ' 80 e 8$ 87!  87 8$ 87(01 '/Attribute VB_Name = "modUnStack" ' Modu(le TsT XCopyright 2002: `tistical Services Centre, The University of Re adingKWritten by Howard Grubb, Martyn Byng, ColiBnayer7Option Explicit Priva)Pub" Fu nc2(Vars() As Integer, _ FacDto)RowD:enlKRa ngJByValpyDataeBooleane)AsDB@pIgnor eMiss@v = False!C#SortTlrujDs),)"ax@umn"s*256NonNumericɭBDim iLoAjNBk.NoOfXsEg 8CombiZ1e -l`%No1 ayu#@c J#pThis SH(BtfnL@(1 To >"8,NextFr|eeC AddrestuePrab6CurrCelljO%AOutput(ILo>!ӠLlB9rt!a j$AreaOffsetNNew#! AI?c` "F >/PoL9Foundg䪆.*By9KeyA+H e83""5ow Matchv" B1Has m xLastU seDuplp?m W bM|ax0&plP,_mwunt8Occ3Q O oBQ%1ДialOIncludeQd2? D3&%ЃvalBc *&MGageDisplN..Oprror GoORep zEB' G:tnumb-ePf# a3Wvariablesr_= UBQ6b) Av0(N7s' Hun o"sIf Not IsD()ѯnGw= ( APcmn>)~0c?}!) <> N"!GLFmnq)stNeFNqpMC@!9n24HOmnoMldM_ 2}olNOB/laPlMQin"ST E/Ifb2B' swij HculofAp12.Cal= x@ nual22Select Eo r so0at s@ubsequЏ ss work OK.Bpqx(9RPm #3bJFsSFPQip"R  r 't up row 3Q cy hRH8 .!s(1, iDU'>(Dors(i)) Next iPoOfOutputRows0 = 1X' Unstacked columns follow@ the rf`actor:jS(et Cf= Destination.Offset(0, N{uFCsBFR"j To%Vars oney at a time%ThisRangeNaDmeJGetGAddress()(j+p/-3(8f+ Star.|VCom6b0Each r In a"Area7' Handle @multipa inisK/E `r$s.CountHlc/ - 5 ' Loop ov\er&0k1u@#VDat aCell(kQ@' Ignore hidden (i.e.Ay have be@filtDerout If .Enti$re@".HCThGoexl7 Car p ossibXerrvalue e.g. #N/BA On EB ResuAK$@.V @/@ .NumbX<>\ 0,""+ 'Modifi@Bby CJG 17/2/0>3 BN" ' OpAwally i0empty< c5l8c4Mi#ng And-y"",u: ċCcgc/t@|!@+acni = ""QiQ "1_(!@)(k + f)8 %K #c*#E+Uc d!@Else7s@Keric()B61'A1ce5nCSto q prefixO$:naGIncludeCTruƺf2EJIf.i > :xSeparxGLs withmm K& ",P-_ & 4K/ r[katexrizg SPcs see whze`rdjo f;sYs alhdyZpfdk xo6H?;Is @!UCaseyf )@Lplev el"er, ! addnewf#`# arraPzoldias7W epEq`tcheck (h !max no &a?'p=@1exceI;JE@ s (256)' УLt8/3t= NVAMa:x-s%!' Can cop7Hso many$5sdxBur A.b t MЯageDispxlay Qd MsgBox "4To  und." _@& vbCrLfqJ"SoVwi@beTdRsy> = _ao5s po q+D~ EHo`UG~1NewC(Oٞ '1P' Qup? headf6A  2oL'VdC, P1simp@usdpGa /Ss ц ANp0 4P' Mako`Cpmba :I1=R1,2a2,..HP>o#YrNoOfFact@ors If i > 1 Then NewColumn.V@alue ="&0 ","!GetdName((i)) _X!}=" &xtField(ThisBCombination, PPos,)(N ext iElse' Only put thHe f v( s) in header!`End If Include R' Prefix+data c} nd .e:eT1'E'is empty, so start at row 2NwFreeRowD+o) X(0)SY'iVre ano)n_into0'g first= cellEDlcorrespondi ng to cu9nt `Nox$nSet C C= Outa*s.s(" , qNoOp3+ 1r'0!,some -. InseDnewt'n!f@Ca,' alhleOncate ofAs after`Prt`.~..P 3aUsQFor=o> +N @y%-AddAs ;Range(e߭ H(k + AreaOffset). )ernal:=True=N$4availab`0`&#X P slF`q@!/s@Ae 0(#Lf CopyDADes@F" fi)C7?:DQ X/No , @mula""BuO R A=uG hoOKposi{q6vari ru_ III~Io ' Reme mb> high  nu!ed@ usifa< cЕq?=.j?>k?= 6_]>IQB =(j{)џ*=*K}gNau=RR.*jU\7S^TpLO, SeFl= (Mido i W@3w%'3=kO.O..` k!e ^ `o su""' Noso fa r for@ismbination, insertoneZLSLf¦Z' A0already exist~s2DbPQOverwrit}t with current]%#}% (hMaxg_@@' gj if new+Blarger_ %lo*c* ͟* * _LK <> i3le]cZK@ : /rtONext j -O ' 0actors do not m`atch.DelePany redundaOss of previous rowt)f 'h .<- 1QRange(,+ 1, V10% ,oOfCҙs)).C NoOfOuhtpus - (iP) 0)i ?QBlank ouqye first ps'ykll be dd later, bEx1's D``aoy slshould (' a# e0ra3`7Qanloop. CJG 4/4/03_&$ j_ To!?jO;Q1@' Makec +1Cqfa2Y-/U #@6FRs ? Q)  4# iO g@&= & o L' ({@s  /Ô51`Sa3Np+conc.eMn-2thD+a,<41enablesP#em x5~e, which mupmefficiУA%E25$χJ.G}1)"1DUv' 4KNd#[ `^0O_ 'Q9ov9no\ up58do9`@t& zlls(i, j) Next jpEnd \Ifd,i TIf LastRowUsed < NoOfOutpus Then\' Delete redund@ant ce.)Range(. C( h+ 1,` 1),  ;,CColumnsx)).7.p ^=mWith % Sort ' the cP into ascending order. is has be done after adjust5' for duplicates since numb@ ofFa@}rows m`ay chAY _SetB)_ = a^A[|Factors c@b_#Ѡv j@3kE"Key!|!?&ĮT+ &F[i$1 ToI AjAHeawVaUi).T@ Pos@ InStr(, ":"This^Namre""k`Q> 0Q#5LeftF -@m K^ɀ NoGBycC ' Inse@c` n`1st keyk a%@@)%.!/2q1Trim(Mid[,Do While $<> Ǎ-&a fdc|݁qsaq-= #<=< 9A+s given - strip it ofϾ@?","`1+2,?9A` ' Ano'rfoll!t_ @DQ`Z @? 0 lse> ?FpI+FLLvaluec&/& 2]g4j, i)d4S Q4jU@(j > 3> Ex%1 ' CanHly bon0fx pc sLoopp>D$ bD3rdD0 Dp]DS[>[181:= hs(kщp>2l2r`3 l3t` Orientation:=xl %+ S1).SelecturrReg.En0tire.AutoFiA' Tur calcul lApC'xjl1mcB'p RetQR/gPenerdUpacka %a(FuncA  RepPWError:"Flaga 7 ]]8]P]h]]]]]]](]@]X]p]]]] h](]@]X]p]]]]]]]]0]H]`]x]]]]]]&L Keep track of the sheet holding the original data, as will be moving sheets .7 Get the number of variables, initialise some variables <'' Switch calculation off < :(:? Select the output range so that subsequent selections work OK. .A>6 Work out column labels and setup pointers to them for each variable. 8 X   $<$' :'n n $ No colon. See if there are factors. , =' 'd ''kd 8 Treat the string before the colon as the variable name, % with the factor list after the colon  n $$Z'  n $$Z'k'Z   - Search for the variable in the existing list  $ 'Zyk  Z 1 Variable name was not found in the list - add it  ' 'Z  Z+k/ remember this name in info about this variable Z$ $( Handle list of factors  ! No factors specified or required'dP # Find name and value of each factor'8'n_  n,$j'$ $Gxj 8 '8 $=' ' No factor name specified - use defaultFactor 8' $'dP $  $$Z' $  $$Z'k ! Look for factor name in the list'Z    $ 'Zyk  Z! factor name not in list - add it  ' 'Z  Z+k Z 8 $,l  8 $,n 8 $(2k 3 Work out where output data items start using Order pG'j t  G'j 'k( d'` b$('  '    'd$b'$b  '    'dh  '  ` 'k@$be'$b    '   'd    '  ` 'kd'$b ` '   'dX ` '    'k(k k Set up the column headers   4 Use single variable name as header for stacked data$  .%(dp # Use the name specified by the user r  .%(kk  v  .%(k   $     .%(   ` $d$    .%(  Go to the second cell  .%.  .% % !/1{xME( (8  @ `  Fp  <  8Ph  * (       ( >0 ,p   4 @ X ` h p  8    60 H h (x  *      ( 8 H .X   (   ( @ X ` h  p  (              8  @  :P           ( 0  H  P  h  x                     (  @  P X  `  h                    :(  h  *       (2@ x:   (@  Xx L  ( <@ $ ,  *    (@Xp 4x"  > >(6h       @Hh,    8@PH    8   (8P Xh         .(0 8@ H X Module modStackelG Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading% Written by Martyn Byng, Colin Grayer`X]`reas^0^ hH^ h^p0  &,28>DJ.  .%. Loop over variables  E Get the variable, and the number of rows in the corresponding column $<$@' $0!' Loop over rows   6 Ignore hidden rows (i.e. they have been filtered out)  $0#!D!GFj z  $0#! |GFj # Keep a track of the number of rows  '   Put in the value  $0#' G 'j - Copy the reference to the data into the cellJ  $0#%' 7 Blank data cell. Use an IF function, to avoid problems7 with references to a blank cell being treated as zero.-=IF( ="","", )'dX = 'k@ k8   ,k  $!   ,k  Put in the factors t  $!2  $%n'     $%l , k8  Put in the carries  `   $d$@$0#!   %(d  =J  $d$@$0#%   %(Lk` FH  2 Ignore trailing blanks unless otherwise specified ~       ,k   ,kx `  ,kH  'k(  d :(:' Return the total number of rows output 'fz & A@i Attribute VB_Name = "modStack" ' Module L PCopyright 2 002: \tistical Services Centre, The University of ReadingWritten by Martyn Byng, Colin @Grayer)Option Explicit PrivaA)ConstLxFactorNo6 TyparStr@ucture R {AsbrJ OutputD(1 To() IntegN ValueC<1NoOf0sa &End SM  Pubw Fu ncck(Vars( B, _E Carry%Deqna8pRangp`all@=lpyData4Boolean& B6{Krc.OÀumnu MatchnOOmit."VS'>TraitgBlankBS>OrderYiantj-Y!\Dim `InfoZ Hz!l!2"uc>Zgi ~! da rt,1 H@%C4PoV2ijkVna@!",$04/-This Am 1*'SheeBgObjecL ⑕ad$v3.\Lo nrlow&v tot`,A,"aCellAddresq3"ol`K|m 32hIm 1From/&"xOFLastNonobD:to m6 r" Ronw#` `OPrror GoP~ReportE B ' Ke`ep trp!tE@s#hol eop`inp!, as willT bv "s#SP'#&= A9~veS' Gnumb0@@"iables, initialise so+nsUBoundr)%8= 0' (Swih cu"lӀoffApCB.Cal= xlManualsRelP59R rA 0at subsequ9 sPpork OK.BPqqbS(X 2Wout c.labels aЕsetup poirs to m fop1' each 3@AALReRiF%vpӇ ]=a2Qs(v) q^P= In@>(#, ":"If #0n '<Qon.e iBfre a0fm9s4 l,") <> 0 Or=PIbpĂD9A)s Els#E[")I* ,' TreP'e4sng9e_1Sa; 1o,[ 1h 7tp aft9 'oE Trim(Left!- 1Ggj Mid+k&<'i'/AX+G `2Sear. 6ב exa@(0"E qd(i)'  ix Ex X[ Next Fb O_-BP wVn|otP @$Trim(LeftJ94- 1)VAMid@S EIf%' Loo8k fCGin the lis}LDkBƢ@"#i1 To@YJ  E=TW(i)wSm iBFor9 "B3'Cnot DC - add iOMN\NH%k)@-B(VarInfo(v).OutputCol(jkKbMFbGp(G!&f2v' Work out 0wher dHata .em@tart ving 0Orde?9StackD!Th Bumne?!?@Rs > Z From H^ j CarriUBound(y} IsMiss(kdB!>=Aa`ckORow+h$d h(0!K 1- `cB%?? o y,sT 8y"| QN9er(q j "yOz.(#I{U ,3 n sQ YXC 7"/*YBC(= Wo or(P' Se[pcol`Y hea@\sp.1  X+4&ZO|' USle variab3s"s!cPeDestination.Cells(1,2).bppxD5 GbyBߐ =ev> OO@`rtOxrig9 r 01 + 1&WuPɝNUnBi@1_5s3P= Gets{{' Go t 0secocp%!1p$Range % 2'6o%+`GVyO/H$  p poverf5qvc io n07& o`.8,b1u mbrows1QcorresppaB#1#fAdds(]`sT nr= 2b0).Cw Q r A' Ignoahidd (i.e.ay have2 been filtered o@ut) If Range(ThisVar)(r).EntireRow.Hi$ddThGoTo Next0Omit AndValue <= " N V' Keep a track of the number rows 18totl + 1 NoOfSt0Columns > 0 P' Put inCvju<<> ""8 LastNonBlankaNot CopyDataVWB+refnce todinDpcell@CAddress$(ernal:=True<=< ' @B)'. Use an IF function,2avoid problemL' with AsB bY#ingeatas zer o.T'y"=IF (" & I& ("=", _O( R)"QElseT)pr wtIf.EA. Ds(n, 1)?Db+ BoFromoFactorRlrInfo(v).NamL$QJ}f"K@spFor i!1 %&@2V7(Outputc(i2l#$+ 1 8 UA i;8*carrie%A:C/@/~ay i).,(GetO%bA k`n mula B__  <ӂ|] }:r' IgnordrailqSTs unlAboPzrwiZspecifiedkTr^s3 |G4q} St- ~2_}_!0.sV_C?LenhA:f q&4ϊ(x !=H b#vBApplica{.Calcp0xlAu(tomc' `Retural QX i2ExF ReportError.Flag 7 dlgDescriptiveStats(GHxdlgTwoTtestadlgBoxPlot'yzmodTtest5    "   (('8  2H+++  8++ +0+@+P+` p t 0 !@ P " X ` h  6    "  X( )$)  "  6  "  R )H$)X  "  $G  8 0@P X h x    "  $G EE ( 8 H "P 6X h##  "     "      0 " 8 @ 0` ,    "   "   8  H X " ` "h   P1<X1` 1Zy).Yvy).Yvpy).Yvy).YvxMESPSSS<0<<<<< <$<(<,<0<4<8<<<@&`xh&`Lt&@d &@T (`BDFH(LNPR(XZ\^(pdfhjl(Xpj(@tv((z|~(  ((( *X$(`x`Lt@d @T `x`Lt@d @T )hZ)@8 @( @ * $`x`Lt@d @T +P @ 0* @ @ x* @ @  +@ @ @ @`+ + +X&+@ pX%$#%#@2(x @t 0*8 h @  X) N p  "   " &  ( 8 "@ "H p    @   (   , 90 ,H x &   8 $ 9 ( H &`  p @       4 8 P .%:uP 2X p  $  0  ` p " x :    (0  <8Bx  :  C 8@2X J JXhpxJ>S@PX`\lx00 J(xJ00  :80X :p0    "20 8 @ 0H h ":+   ( #0 @ H 0P p  +*  -  8@ HX`0<h  ' &d  .S('H*X Qp R ,. '  (A@X ` "h 6  I7"@(,4PH        0        0 Form dlgDescriptiveStatsG Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading Written by Colin Grayer2h] ,@] ]] ](]P] ]8 ] Set up the list boxes A A@K*\ A@, Put values into the box for proportion type000 Proportion B@^ Percentage B@^Count B@^ft (re 2 Put values into the condition box for proportions< B@^<= B@^> B@^>= B@^= B@^<> B@^ (r}#    A@n   - 9       v                          A@!4c5 GA@jo(  Display the variables box (et2A@dX0 Hide the variables box, and show the factor boxb (Th''vA@kA@ohR Variable list has just changed, so check whether the OK button should be enabled. $ 'n   2  ( if A@o8 v! (oL By list has just changed, so check whether the OK button should be enabled.tring $ '2on   2  (the A@op(]h  2  ' n2 Disable all statistics except CountAll and Blanks  ( S  (va  (ex  (  (  ( (  (Z ( 1 V (me waskPA@o@]  2  '   (is nam   (is var (Z$ ((o ! ( Adjust width of dialogor  !  (dP !  (alk0o(  ('noX  ('$  (Gx  (o refRange.Visible = True) refRange.Text = NextFreeColumn.Address% Make book name box and label visible $ (' ( $o refRange.Visible = Falsee in t refRange.Text = "$A$1" (  (o refRange.Visible = False refRange.Text = "$A$1" ( ('Zo(X !(A@j8o Cancel button just been clicked A@ro OK button has been clickedut dat]0HOrde]`]] Find the output rangej   : DescStat$.. .G|j& Get the ids of the selected variables   & Get the ids of the selected variables <  <A>kX2 Unstack or copy the data to the destination sheet Position data after the table v 2'" Unstack the variables by a factor 2(  A>b  : If no variable specified, assume first factor is variable<H($+< Skd. Simply copy the visible rows of the variablesinglh headek !$X'e spec G 'j Set up the descriptive statsA   - 9       v                          A@P! ` A@roPp3 Sets up the table containing the descriptive stats G]ond ]]]] ]@]X]p]]]]]]6 Insert sufficient columns at front of sheet for table the  .%  .%$0!.   B@ ..  %..Set up headers  .%( '    %!   .%(   $   $$0 !B@B  '   $   $$0 !B@B $ &A@"kX  ( *A@"   .%   .%$0.k  !  'R[ ]C/SUM( ., %)*100'L 0 LA@"kp  !  ' *SUM(R[ ]C2:R[ ]C)/SUM( ., %)*100'L 2 LA@"k G 4 6A@"j G 8 :A@"j  < $   $$0 !B@B > @A@"k8  B $   $$0 !B@B D FA@"k  G H JA@"j G L NA@"j G P R1)A@"j G T VA@"j G X R3)A@"j G Z \A@"j  ^ `A@" b dA@"k  f hA@" j lA@"k G n p0%A@"j 'n_ !d n $j' Gxj $ $$X'  d r d$)'L %  t LA@"k k k  !''n_x !d n $j' Gxj $ v  $ x'L !r Proportion L z'L |' !re Percentage L z ~'L 'd Count 'k`      LA@"k( k !d !d?$ !dA@"kk( Finally, prettify the descriptive table  .%!.. .!B@b  .B@ .%!!( .%!!( %Convert to values and delete the data B@  B !B@d Hide the data !!(kXoP 0 Adds the row containing the specified statistic]] ]   .%(   $$.  L$Z? !$' $=G= 'j   .%  9d 9Lk $(5 $9d 9kq   'ox]P  <   . !  $J' .!N ' 9 CJG 19/3/03 .%!.? CJG 23/7/03Attribute VB_Name = "dlgDescriptiveStats" Bas0{14A27213-BEB4-11D7-B659-0004768BFDFA}J1F0J dGlobalSpacAoFalse CreatablPredeclaIdTru BExpose0TemplateDerCus tomizD ' Form Copyright 2002: istical Services Centre, The UnCrsity of Reading%Written by Colin GrPayerOon ulicit Const DefaultSi gFigs@H4  CExtraWidth@160 Dim NoOfVars As IntegAFactoD@i$umn RangaA tinati'@H CurrERowy!Lo@A1& Pnp Sub Userd_@*$iv@()A6  '\t up tYla boxes Call@;its(ctmnA4A@@Put**oL lst@KiACBZ By, P:N= '  valuintoB)for p roporPtyp@V cboP.AddItem< "A er"c*ageCountkIndwZ< 6I naIeOutput[ refa, opC"NewSheetpBooke re!trol&s`wavchkASb @ % } _ `6CEU, QW,aYaCbNonBlankumcbMeanStdev"Total|, @VbESV@MaximumMingedi Qua bles1 SkewXnes` SCVP`i"fǡjN txtfrOr) b`Cumul0IffCn_C B7 End !%:E Rr' DispoyRFvarKsQ%!.Vixsib2xFK@_Ch_`ER| @' HideO,d a sh]XfReR |vj= I`ByJi '2XIfbEna[&ysJe eU rehas j @6ad, soeck whFeq""OK Йtquld be e" d.cRNumberSelected( cjbtnOK.c ((> 0) Or e|AQH)' Byb.VQm yByT$Wger = /ByPs% A Onlyp^lV@ =(0 AP6 #s ! A Not(^kU+AA1 s`ics exceptpA;` `Q BpRa_`UdOLf_\f Y R ,FHW   T  .L1 yN'''a' @,'ÀX'dG'ux!, !ru22@/kV^/'A fraYspy' Adbw`@loP߰P)z)Me.ܦ+P/th ElseMe.Width = P- Extra\nd If( ESub Private  chkPercentiles_Click()Jtxt8.Visibles 5aroportiona a0cboP Condi6optRange 'ref +Tru Tex tNFreeColumn.A@ddressc' Make bo@ok namx alabel vWor:k N@ N@%lb l :NewS0heetG;  &@ `Re=y! (1/ 0@ Call ItemsInBox(lst, AC!a"Unstack or copyBdE toch3-' Po sB afte:rtA#b##Byf"#Is <"a.+ by a fT" c"iR"$ cà!By, _E*`'@'} no specified, assupefir@ is PMV1P 2(=T UH' S`implywm xrowf+* (_@Q=h==F(@(255 -i4.#?) / 2) 'CJG 19/3/03A= Un09(8, D7F&, _2_@7C*M.Value, S:=,09eI:= Si`gFigs(?E0"e<=prD CimumbMDineditQuaShkS0kewnSSbCVbӰ."zyOpLy Cumulh-D}"@b&s t&W@8nta`mTde>s'cyK@9rtRow`0S; g;ToInsert}R !8iydAStr0{Numbg0LongForaVB do Head/b  Offs @ BesufficiPQs at frontQv fyGu v4= (e.Cells(1, 1),pZ+ ]).ErHr  .d!(xlShiftToRightsSq !4%Xȅ= .(0, - - B'1/h2cU B3]`str 2Curre{ntRow = Star For i1 To NoOfColumnsp|Destination.Cells(Curr e,r+ 1)@.ValueData~X1F>Next i ActiveSheet.Name@s.Add  :P=strxctHdr, _1RefersTo:=Range(2),  Z))ibIf chkCount Then E$a bcyFddus,Blanks!mula/En0d If7NonB 7JEI!Setg@TiY - @mIz_y@8"R[" & & "]C/SUM(JBAAress(BenceStyle:=xlR1C1)")*100"DuD,,tCu7aA/2:o)8:&-@$s$?$yNumericb$ ,GD$] ]cf`Total,`OMean";??'?@2 ihStdev`c4H Z` i$;4#>bxF, I Minimum, rQuilesLQ, $1)&edidN8 MRrntHU3axotrMcSke|wnpRR5 , Kurtosip-SS%vCs@OG4U1@wCVCV@V^at:="<0% da6"Pos[1DoPField(txt8.T , , " "S#'""C `Exit IstU(4) pcber (Decimal3 >= 0 A[<= d !td&r$/{tb!2%& 4|)Ó>Loop5Propor'MDHCo= cboO8${$W$9@ _$pW$?$76412& [%& $2.Lis@tIndex0% 'X0'0a3 Headr2$Else_ R X bP erage!_ & 3.4   0֯O.5;D;#Q r#;, AsArray:=Tru?\N; XOther3 <> 1 Replaring\w`[?"@"), txtOther.Text End Ifh(<' Finally, prettify ~ descriptive tableZSet Destdtion = .Cells(StartRow, 3).Current8Reg.B>.EntireColumn.AutoFi $ormat xlRangeClassic1, True FalsZ&Q1) ?Font.Boldj&VItalic;If chkCopyData` Then*'Convert to values adelethe dects1gOffset(2, hJG 23/7/03.A&ECrPasteSpe cial(:=xlV+))ps {.Clear Eb$HidO8HSdeAhSub PrivaR! Add(By. 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Take these as defaults  !ls $! B@^ $! B@^  ( (r(A@ (r8A@k kA@    A@o](]@]`] !r 'ut dat !d+Orde $. <$. B$. (dj (d: (dat$  $! G $! (djk  $! G $! (djk  $! G $! (djk`'oP]]]]8 !r ' !d+ $. <$. B$. (d (d (d  $! G $! (djkP  $! G $! (djk  $! G $! (djk'oXA@A@o !d !d (oX !d !d (o A@A@oX !d !d (o !d !d (oA@A@op ' !d$ !d$ !d$ !d$ !d$ !d$ (oX ' !d$ !d$ !d$ !d$ !d$ !d$ (o` ' !d$ !d$ !d$ !d$ !d$ !d$ (o ' !d$ !d$ !d$ !d$ !d$ !d$ (oP ' !d$ !d$ !d$ !d$ !d$ !d$ (oX ' !d$ !d$ !d$ !d$ !d$ !d$ (o@  ( ( ( (d ( ( (ko   (o  (  (  (  (  (  (  (  (  (  (  (  (  (  (  (  ( ( (  (  (  !  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B@ ..  %..8 Calculate the mean, stdev and df of the first 2 columns !!!' %  %$0. %  %$0. !' !'  .%  > If either column contains a blank, make the difference blank. 6 Note that Excel treats blank as zero in calculations! %  %$0. =IF(  =" ","",IF( =" ","", - )) ( !'  % -  %;=COUNT( )7( =AVERAGE( )7( =SSCSTDEV( )7(d %;=COUNT( )7(L =AVERAGE( )7(L =SSCSTDEV( )7(L %;=COUNT( )7(L =AVERAGE( )7(L =SSCSTDEV( )7(Lkhq` Hide the data !!(k( Paired t .,d Two-Sample t .,k Set up the descriptive stats .%    A .%B@H    %                     A@P A@roAAttribute VB_Name = "dlgTwoTtest" Bas0{14A27227-BEB4-11D659-0004768B FDFA}J1F2J dGlobaBlSpacoFalse Cre atablPr@edeclaI"dTru BEx0pose0TemplateDerivCustomizD ' Form  ' Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, @The UnCrsity of Reading%Written by+lin G rayerOp tion ulicit Dim NoOfVars As Inte&gA Sa=eHC(1 To 2z)A S erRange APJL Sub UserA>_activ@() 0 CellHAiF$ utRoreCoDols SavGchkSD, _HoptB', @N@ewBookS0heet Co lumns OnBSummaDry cboCM, 1sS2BL txtMean, StdevCiz3I0 ? @ @ @AUn equal@hkPai@CID't up t@KlO box "Ca2InitAAps(cmn*Am8Put$@5oL!F Cor:=Cs5? e1_ .LZ)c 1+]$2$et ^= Find! dK(strDeDscxHdr#%IflIsAh w=azn  .Count >= &2' ri!zve s`s !` disyed. 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F F F F  F@` h p 2n > 0 @i8 vx n n` v @iH z p px z  h  p $Mx      *| 8h 8 @ H  h p "^ D H > B 8 ,P4d : <4d88p8&\$K  >( Fh [Q  [Q 8 @H P 6`(a  >>  .$J8 `  p ,x4 "  :(!0@ H X` px   =     8 (  8  H <P " *-      !(%! 8!(%@! h! <p! <! @! (0"*-X" " " ""#" """" # # #(#0# H#P#X#`#x# #   # #  ,# # # # $ $ $$ < $ `$ p$ x$ >$ $ E$ % "% 8% @% H% P% X% `% p% x% % % % % & Form dlgBoxPlotG Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading& Written by Howard Grubb, Colin Grayer`]  Set up the list box A! A@{ A@    A@!             vA@ $ z!|o9 Workbook is shared - must create chart on a new workbook ( ! ( ! ( !koXR Variable list has just changed, so check whether the OK button should be enabled. $ '   ( o v! (o` ; Disable the copy data box - always copy if outliers wanted$ (o ( d (d$ ($ko& Existing Range option has been chosen % Make book name box and label visible$ ($ ($o X% New Worksheet option has been chosen% Make book name box and label visible ( (o$ New Workbook option has been chosenI Make book name box and label invisible, since new book cannot be renamed ( (o !(A@jo Cancel button just been clicked A@roxX OK button has been clicked]]]] ]X]p]]]]]]0]H Find the output range   : Boxplot$.. .G|j& Get the ids of the selected variables <x  <A>7 Get the variable names to include in the boxplot title$<$'$   $,  $<$'$ 2 Unstack or copy the data to the destination sheet+ Always copy data if outlier display wanted  ' vG $ '2j 2 " Unstack the variables by a factor 2  A>  2 &G &,'&j & $$'& d. Simply copy the visible rows of the variablesk '"6 Insert sufficient columns at front of sheet for table  .%  .%$0!.   B@ ..  %.. Set up the descriptive stats .  $ &   A(             vA@P A@ro $]?]0]BaseH]LW`]LBx]UB]UW]Median]Mean]Outlier]Extreme] ]8]P]h]]]]]]]](]H]h]]]]]]] ]0 ]H ]` ]x ] ] B Get overall minimum value for adjusting minimum y value of chart.MIN( !!)$f'V+==================== label the output cells .Min7(Q17(Med7(Q37(Max7(7.Jq J 47( 67( :7( 87( <7( 47( 67( 8 7( : 7( < 7( 'FStart of outlier rows , T F7( F 'Fk` . > F7( F 'Fk(q B==================== loop over variables, put in calculation cells !!P!' Z  Z$$.  . 3 Insert max, min, Q1, Q3 and median for this column=MIN( !) Z 7(L * QUARTILE( !,1)$f Z 7(MEDIAN( !)$f Z 7( QUARTILE( !,3)$f Z 7(d8 =QUARTILE( !,1) Z 7(=MEDIAN( !) Z 7( =QUARTILE( !,3) Z 7(kx =MAX( !) Z 7(L ' Remember the addresses of these values Z 7!'R Z 7!'L Z 7!'N Z 7!'P Z 7!'Tqh  J  Point to the column names= Z$! Z 7(L 7 Calculate the differences between the 5 values so that * they can be displayed as stacked columns.=IF( P<0, P,0) Z 7(L=IF( P<0,IF( T<0,( P- T)/100, P/100),0) Z 7(L=IF( N<0,IF( P<0, N- P, N),0) Z 7(L=IF( L<0,IF( N<0, L- N, L),0) Z 7(L=IF( R<0,IF( L<0,( R- L)/100, R/100),0) Z 7(L=IF( L>=0, L,0) Z 7(L=IF( L>=0,IF( R>=0,( L- R)/100, L/100),0) Z 7(L=IF( N>=0,IF( L>=0, N- L, N),0)  Z 7(L=IF( P>=0,IF( N>=0, P- N, P),0)  Z 7(L=IF( T>=0,IF( P>=0,( T- P)/100, T/100),0)  Z 7(L 'd ,= N d Z 7(L d 'dk . *  :!h%j d Z 7(d =AVERAGE( !) d Z 7(kk  Handle outliers here *  Calculate outlier limits P$0! L$0! 'Z L$0! 0 Z '\ P$0! 0 Z '^ L$0! 2 Z '` P$0! 2 Z 'b  !% Look for outliers in the column data  $ ! \ $ ! ^ 3 We have an outlier. Remove it from the column data6 and insert it in the next free row of the chart data.  $ ! ` $ ! b  @ F;d@ > F;k  F Z 7 $ B@* $ ! $ ( F 'Fk  7 adjust Min and Max in case they are now within the IQR @ This may occur if all values below Q1 or above Q3 are outliers. R$0! L$0! L$0! R$0(k T$0! P$0! P$0! T$0(kkq Z0 Get range of cells to be displayed on the chart J F Z J%$0.J Hide the data .!!( !!('==================== now draw the chart2 !l%BB@H n.H H% set up the chart as stacked columns.9p Jt xvC@r |9z9~ Boxplot of $5(d &5!d by  &5(dk5!(97qp7qX7q@  J!!  Adjust outlier series 75 4KT2 Make lowest stacked item (0 to minimum) invisible 5( 5( 6KT6 Set up whisker for the value (Q1 - Minimum), and make the stacked item invisible   l'C@ 5( 5( 8KT$@5(413434879 :KT$@5(416777164 <KT6 Set up whisker for the value (Maximum - Q3), and make6 the stacked item invisible. Stacked item is made 1009 times smaller than actual value to avoid a gap appearing! between the whisker and the box.   l'C@ 5( 5( TKT 9z$@5( >KT 9z 9$@9 5( @KT 9z 9$@9 >KT 9z 9$@9$@9n8q0 & Adjust plot area border and interior.5!9 9 9q 5!(5 Remove gridlines, and adjust minimum value of y axis 799 8 Adjust minimum y value so that it is sufficiently below  the minimum data value. V5 559 V  Set X axis to cross at y=09d59kxqp 799 9q@q8o0(%  <   .  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CJG 19/3/03d test  Degrees of freedom= $,*1axMEP<0<<<< <<< `@@ ). `h%ixiI  I(  I8  IH `@B`@6`0`H,`(`$` tmO````` ``| P```x`h@%`x@hh @X (h`x ` 8p@hh @X P@H @8 @H @8 8`x@hh h@X @H @8 `x@hh h@X @H @8 `x@hh h@X @H @8 X`x@hh <@@X P@H @8 H`x `@hh @X @H @8 `x@hh @X @H @8 @  @ @ l@ (   @ H  ( `@ B@ p @n @ \ @L l@< P@, @ @ el0  @ @  @  )@ @ @ @ 0*1@ #l@ 2@ *#@ @ Pp @ @ @ @  0  N h   "<4 4    (08@HPX`hpx   3"%:%(:8%P:p%:  & "@ &%H :p h %: @%*: -:7 0:8%P:h %: % . -1 (L !'  Difference of means ! CJG 19/3/03 %B@H= -  (L ! $ ( !'k0  Standard error of difference %B@H=sqrt( * / ) (L ! $ ( !' e Not pooled  Degrees of freedom 6 Calculated as ((v1+v2)^2)/(v1^2/(n1-1) + v2^2/(n2-1))  Where V1=S1^2/N1, V2=S2^2/N2 * / ' * / ' =(( + )^2)/( * /( -1)+ * /( -1)) (L ! $ ( !'  Difference of means %B@H= -  (L ! $ ( !'  Standard error of difference %B@H=sqrt( * / + * / ) (L ! $ ( !' dH  Pooled  Degrees of freedom= + -2 (L !'  Pooled standard deviation %B@H=sqrt((( -1)* * +( -1)* * )/ ) (L ! $ ( !'  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P( 0x Z    (  @@ $ $  0   >   4  (@h      ( 0 8@H X h px    Form dlgQQPlotG Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading& Written by Howard Grubb, Colin Grayer`]p Set up the list boxI M Aame bo A@l invi    A@      A@M z!| 9 Workbook is shared - must create chart on a new workbook ( ( (okHo@XR Variable list has just changed, so check whether the OK button should be enabled. $ '   (o& Existing Range option has been chosen% Make book name box and label visible ( (o % New Worksheet option has been chosen% Make book name box and label visible ( (o$ New Workbook option has been chosenI Make book name box and label invisible, since new book cannot be renamed ( (oX !(A@jo Cancel button just been clicked A@rox OK button has been clicked]]0]P]p]]] Find the output range   : NormProb$.. .G|j& Get the ids of the selected variables <  <A>7 Get the variable names to include in the boxplot title$<$'$   $,  $<$'$ ' Copy the data to the destination sheet  <   . L$J' Set up the descriptive stats .  $A      A@P A@ro $ Q-Q plot (data vs Normal quantiles)]]]]]]8]X]x]]]]]]]0]H]`]x]]]]# Calculated columns follow the dattp)1y).Yvy).Yvxy).Yvy).YvxME@SPSSS <0<@" a .. %.. %$. &==================== where is the data !!' !'RC1'  :!h%  :!h% '*==================== quantile calculations .7  7$0. 7  7$0. 7  7$0.7  7$0.7. ., %' ., %'7!'= +RAND()*  ( ., %'COUNT( )' =PERCENTRANK( ,RC[-1]) (L!=NORMSINV(MIN(MAX(RC[-1],1/ ),1-1/ )) (L=TREND( , ) (S Range(.Cells(2, 5), .Cells(nrows + 1, 5)).Formula = "=" & DataRow & "-RC[-1]"q Hide the data !!(:==================== create X-Y scatter chart of quantiles2 !l%BB@H !' pick up its name n&* t h  "v$&Normal probability plot of !(Normal quantiles* Data values,.C@ 9p7==================== add Normal quantiles as X-variable 7(0 t5B@B. .SeriesCollection(2).XValues = TrendLine"==================== tidy up chart  %lB@2 5!( 7!4!( 7!4!(5 5( 5(q7 5(9698 99:q7 d5( 99:q 759q`qXoPHjAttribute VB_Name = "dlgQQPlot" " Bas0{14A27233-BEB4-11D7-B659-0004768B FDFA}J1F8J dGlobaBlSpacoFalse Cre atablPr@edeclaI"dTru BEx0pose0TemplateDerivCustomizD ' Form ' Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, @The UnFrsity of Reading%Written by Howard Grubb,2linayerOption licitDim NoOfVars As IntegC P?A Sub User1_activ@()A '+t up t)l0 box B @Callitts(cmnD@nAoPutColumn oL@ lst-#iVB BInitiaeOutputRang e ref, opBNewSheetBoo.kBeoreCo@Xols ýSav[chkgA+, _ +  N/BIf APeWorkb@%.MultiXEd8ng{nE' is sBh - m "ce ct ua new wE@,C).Valu .En-be)REnd If EACG("_Ch6G) ' = bGhas jbd, soeck whe@LrLOK `t`shoul@d be e.[= NumberSelec0ted((Qbt(nOK(f> 0CPB_Cjkd'lYt #U'oAbeuch=' Makegok n!Aaa+label visibl`&txtBg.VcƝ@lbl]5 e>LRsak!n??? ?:4@`!q;4ind4Vin q can(notTrTmed>w8g8Z0HelpGGet Me.q!PextID `Ca@ l _?S8;-0UnploadOK' W>73H ]kik@AD^in@u@Bpm"8]C9׮q?cisomr{$lea=1z)dP crive statbs(X&,$7B4utqds 0>01^ϢJ;Kub HA0?$ !=Tl By@h@_eS&@KEC' Q-Q* -(#vq;rmal quant8ile!3 !8nrowMLo)Ja'Rowa 3c`̯ Q%R]kkAHq jTrde+CountoQQr Addres#%!JrDo SEijwa_qkM61TXoIn@O #l?!!GDim ChartRange As @  LambdapStringt' Calculated columns follow the dataZSet DCF= Destinatilon! !/.Offset(0, 1).3Q[2All In(  sB1, $0)C'= where is anrows1',.R.CountG Addr8ess"RC1" Jitter (Applic.WorksheetFunc.Max(q>) _- in) / 10 Cquantile czl4Witnhr@#A{QDC“(.Cells(2o, DCT+ dn1d kZ 2 )2 Norm*qQ3R3KTrendlined44 ƒ9726B.(RefnceStyle:=xlR1C߃5e=^\@b7.F(@{ Array"=" &x"+RAND()*aXa~copA?č F#aCO0UNT( & ")g 4ks%PERCENTK,RC[-<1]d($NORMSINV(MIN(MAX(c,1/oRA,1-MgN.TRE,,o#A! `"'V5V5)) ' a -#-End }b<'Hide c#b.CurhtReg.Erec.dena`-True cre X-Y sca of A veS.ObjecDts\(205`200).SelQQName ' pick up its n@,"Wizard SoXurcx`,ɵG@alleryA|X$YSC, Pat:=@sPlotB&s,tegoryLabels:=HPSerieshHasLeg@:=FalDseTit"Hal probability p .ValuKC "*" vsPExtra&1VisibleOnlD D#| add D v as $varia @(1).XR cAq%q%<ton(2L f_w" ti|dy'/U .s.(T,).)>nt.Sizm10Axes(xl0xis_ 2.A=eaBorder.2o@8xlNoncAAIn?iorlorIndex~I@#//x MarkerBackgrd#G1 @7 Get the variable names to include in the boxplot title$<$'$   $,  $<$'$ ' Copy the data to the destination sheet  <   . $J' Set up the descriptive stats .  $A> <     A@P A@ro , 1-D density estimate, with bandwidth slider5 Select column of data - large area of calculation is placed to the right of this]]]]]]0]P]p]]]6 Insert sufficient columns at front of sheet for table'  .%  .%$0!.   B@ ..  %.. %$. &==================== where is the data !!' !' .7  7$0.=  () can add transformation hereR5C1:R  C1'bins7(dens7(norm7(hist7(count7(Min7(Max7(nbins7(binwid 7(Lmean 7(Lstdev 7(Lbandwid 7(L=COUNT( )7(L=MIN( )7(L=MAX( )7(L7( number of bins=(R[-2]C-R[-3]C)/R[-1]C 7(L7 binwidth =AVERAGE( ) 7(L =SSCSTDEV( ) 7(L=5* 7!/ @  H H)1z).Yvy).Yvzy).Yvy).YvxMEPSPSSS<0<<<0{14A27237-BEB4-11D7-B659-0004768BFDFA}{14A271FA-BEB4-11D7-B659-0004768BFDFA}0%%x X` ` `  "`  $X`  &` *` ,`%%` .H% h%`` `$  >`Puu).px%ii$``@``Bk ca`( H% h% l bu% JA@r%  O%`D%@ %b4@8HXX0h     N ,h   "   0 &8  ` @p     " X P` x " ,  ,    " ,  ,H x   " *  P ( 8 H "P X h "p &x  " "   (*Hx  ,  > 8"P x  .(  $ &   H X "` 2x < "  (08 @HPX` h  <p<   8  ,X    . 6 " @ `       @ `   , * * ,P > . . b   0 < Z(   $.8hpx 6$       > "0"X  (    8HPX`x   Form dlgDenestG Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading& Written by Howard Grubb, Colin Grayeri`]H Set up the list box A A@ %    A@ ( Force output onto new sheet/book <   7! 7(L< bandwidth( 7(7!'@=R6C3-0.5*R9C37(L. bin0 =RC[-1]+R9C37 @ 7$0(L=SUM(R[+3]C:R[+  ]C)/R5C37 @ 7$0(LJ=(NORMDIST(R[-2]C,R10C3,R11C3,TRUE)-NORMDIST(R[-2]C[-1],R10C3,R11C3,TRUE))7 @ 7$0(L2 =(COUNTIF( ,"$F<="$F&$FR[-3]C)-COUNTIF( ,"$F<="$F&$FR[-3]C[-1]))/R5C37 @ 7$0(Ld=IF(RC1="","",NORMDIST(R1C,RC1,MAX(R12C3,0.0001),TRUE)-NORMDIST(R1C[-1],RC1,MAX(R12C3,0.0001),TRUE))7    @ 7$0(LqH Hide the data !!(2( !H%BB@H   .%!'D9 note that these are hard-coded9d99J$C$139L9Nq`0==================== create X-Y chart of density2 !l%BB@H n!'B n(p *:$ @ $ .%0t h  xv$&Density estimate(Value*Density,. nB@ $ @ $ .%0t n!B@B n!!(  P n%!4!(  P n%!4!("==================== tidy up chart  n!!(  n!!( n%5(5( 9q  n% d5( 99:q   n%59qx op h Attribute VB_Name = "dlgDenest" " Bas0{14A27237-BEB4-11D659-0004768BFDFA}J1FAJ dGlobalSpacoFalse CreatablPredeclaIdTru BExpo se0TemplateDerivCustom$izD ' `Form ' Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The UnCrsity of Re ading%Written by Howard @Grubb,2linayerOption | licit Dim NoOfVars As InhtegC P@>@@ Sub User1_activ@()A '+@t up t)l0 box @Callits@s(cmnDlA@nPutCo0lumnoLC@ lst#iAUBInitia@eOutputRange ref, opBNewSheetBookBE .En#'8oB onto@ new s/bB@oreC rols C̈SavkchkwA;, _ M)&L,M?BIf A`eWorkA%@.MultihERd@HngnE'b is2A H- m ce@ chart aw % ).Valu!ni  *1REnd If MAKO("_Ch>O' E bOhas jbd, soeck whe@TrTOK t`ashould be eB.c= NumberSelected((YbtnOK(f> 0MC B_Crkd'ta| C]wAbe}ch=' Makeaook naAia+label v`isibl&txtBo.Vc@lbl]pLRjAv??? ?:4@`!q;4ind4Vin@ cannotšTrTmed>w$8gQ_@-Help'bGetaQ Me.q!PepxtIDCa@ l cS8;-0oload' OK' g>G3X pioPAD^inPyPBq28]S9?sms=om$lea#B!!=nrowSLohOnbinoT0%Ts VH@ fA >cAD%ToIntQQD  "This W6SD!Do$Û'2 suffs at fr> fopԗ?s = 23 Set ColumnsTo@InsertRange(Destination.Cells(1, 1), _tzNNoOf)).Entir^exs.z(xlShiftToRight)+Data3q!!/.Offset(0, -? .3AllIn (&s&0)O '= where is the dH6nrow'',.R.Count BAddressWith This6!5ބ!+ 4A1.FormulaArray"=" & &' can add transf A;'copR5C1:R"C1"E &V2). Valuebins 2, de3n)Mw>IMtMci6KMinMR7LaxM8Kn=9DfDFwid1, mea $1,stdev #-bandg7&3)G=COUNT(?Bp& ")- ( MIN@+AX-eL20 ' number o+,Chr(34)0@H P "h    "# "*    0 8 ,@ #p 0 #     Module modSaveelG Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading Written by Colin Grayerph] ] ] ] 0] X] ] ] ] ]  ] H] p] ] ] ]  ) Saves the contents of a set of controls.]]]Clear the collection  d! dB@l.Removes the item currently first in collection  h f h$n h$pObject h dA@rd' j h j$n j$pObject j d X A@r  'k8k0(k ko ]]]]]]  t.x x$p'| x! F'z |ListBox Remember all the selected items x 5 7 7$'~d 7'~%k G ,'j  7, ~'xk Zqh  z vB@Bt |TextBox |ComboBox |RefEdite x!d z vB@B |CheckBox | OptionButtone x! z vB@Bko8[ Restores the contents of a set of controls, ' unless the current worksheet has changed.]]]]( d!G|j h f h$n h$pObject` h dA@d' j h j$n j$pObjecth j d X A@  'kkkko @]]](]@]X]p]] t.x% x$p'| x! 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A  . There are no column names in the lookup table  Use column numbers instead  !P!Column  B@^ d ) Insert lookup column names into the list  !P!   %!' ( Column name is blank, use column numberColumn  B@^d  B@^k kkoP& Existing Range option has been chosen% Make book name box and label visible ( (o8% New Worksheet option has been chosen% Make book name box and label visible ( (o$ New Workbook option has been chosenI Make book name box and label invisible, since new book cannot be renamed ( (o !(A@joP Cancel button has been clicked A@ro OK button has been clicked]]]@]x]] Set up the array of columns $ ' +You must select at least one column to copyA@|k P 'Z 5 7 Z 'Z  Z+Pk q& Get the ids of the selected variables  A>* Call ItemsInBox(lstLookup, LookupIndex)$ !d PA Z      A@P A@ro  ]]]]]]0]H]`]x Remember where the data are .( keep a track, as we'll be moving sheets $@$0. !d; Default range should be immediately to right of data block  !%%! (dk Find the output range   : Lookup$.. .G|j Set up the new Vlookup columns $0. $.   AJ %' !' !' .  P  Insert lookup column name   %! 7(  =VLOOKUP( , , $P,False)' 7  7$0  9d 9Lkq qoA Expand the given range to include non-blank columns to the right](]H]` !. !N !P!  ' !N !P!  '     % !!  %%$0.kp .iXPAttribute VB_Name = "dlgLookup" " Bas0{14A2723B-BEB4-11D7-B659-0004768B FDFA}J1FCJ dGlobaBlSpacoFalse Cre atablPr@edeclaI"dTru BEx0pose0TemplateDerivCustomizD ' Form  ' Copyright 2002: Statisti( k 0 )1vz).Yvy).Yv|y).Yvz).YvxMEPSPSSS<0<<<0{14A2723B-BEB4-11D7-B659-0004768BFDFA}{14A271FC-BEB4-11D7-B659-0004768BFDFA}X b(8@P%% ` `  ` `` `  P`##ix. ooku%`tati`re, `  "`   $`  &P `  ` , `''  ite 8  PpX```Z  `  00i@i`)P ` .% % %`````, `$)%%)  % @%``x% %b4@b6@b<@hP(`P`~X  `x((  N h   " "  "     *0 `$  "  H <@"P x $  L D 0H >x     "  ("0 X h " p ,x  <   0@X 4h "    0  P p  .    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En~d *AV User\_act\iv'9itialitT tsCallBs(cmnAA)Pu/KoA+box6 BZ [ utRe!reCoyolDs CSav@|o@ptRangCNewB, @Sheet, __QWA!,Y,8 rex In@Outp a _ D c0 fbSnf.TextnNFre>(Gap:=0).Addres.=hDE gheck thate numberAbselect@uitems& `b 0) A  a" @`'`'a' '@@?#d =#Dr#h#= N$@$$r$DSe4@ Dis1`y_c%-IfgWW""Z1 ʥ= #`E/@k1IfBbm (z)hm(ByVal-T[_S ngr!]Index(0 To 1*hb gC@B  $Rbi1O&g=S cRb ns or=D+.CleaoPp?y5: = r(0 bjuDToR!|46"eFindVsi, f, t &F-1 p 're 0KOb  ' @rs:st}hPt io.Ap|un CS^I X " " & ib4z1|t l# j!in    b*=ells((i).31sS0  t"opy"Ex@it SubE nd IfReBAKWith UGk = 0For i#.Lilunt - 1p.~i) Tn*k + Ptk)i3 Next i/c' GlAkidsjQed variables Call ItemsIn]AkData, AB݀G'' ,R Do ((1), ref.T2, >ButSaveControls, optRangeBNewBSheet,| _-@u,w  Unload MeAVB Private O4KC ;T^ String A{#BY!b Objmgestinationb%b TAddre|ss!#FLengl LongRComma x J' Reme wheredc7$= Active%' keep a track, as we'`@be mov2 saHc% "= (k3[)(XO\"\z""ʁ' Default rYould immedi @NlyrightAyblock'@KM F8.CurrentRegA.Y(xlToRA ).Offset(0,.B á^' Fi`0outpu#L= OB$ trtxtWork",Nam@x, "-CL"C('D Isth3 j"new Vl9 @2cs Exp R((h"%Hea@derRowi, ,*rst4ow 0@ (pRernal:=TruesAW"$ Q7=b].CokoBK%n1nUBd^(dI0 'sery nP.Cells(1, i).ValuelXuHUA= "=VLOOKUP(" &R e& ",1+` u (z!False)&S"D 2A , ? },ch\kAπ.mula#=pO@Ep L;< = eh So8FunT@e0ThisQaBk':3ZgXnNinclude non-blank:aOGO4 oFull CM Tb?=[ Uq= v5l@-s7F " !T-&[< Y' p#(D-p:al3Wd;OD e0 1:$p'' ty of Reading Written by Colin Grayerh]]8P]]   ! % `                     A@*  Set up the list boxted(ls A8 A@bled =Sample 1+ (A@    A@ o8 !d (oA@A@oPA@A@o !d$ !d$ (o !d$ !d$ (o`  ( new  (e  ((  ( (  (  (!(oP ( Co (kedo (o (clickeopP (oP& Existing Range option has been chosenray % Make book name box and label visible (st sel (st oneo% New Worksheet option has been chosen% Make book name box and label visible7 (Z (o0$ New Workbook option has been chosen the iI Make book name box and label invisible, since new book cannot be renamed (Index) ( !oP !(A@jo` Cancel button just been clicked A@ro OK button has been clicked0]](]@]`]]]]]]] ]@]x Find the output range   : OneProp$.. .G|j ? Select the output range so that subsequent selections work OK. .A> F' .$; !d; !d; Sq`dX Single column specified.' Copy the data to the destination sheet <  <A> <   . !AJ6 Insert sufficient columns at front of sheet for table' .%  .%$0!.   B@ ..  %.. !!!' %  %$0!' 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Select the output range so that subsequent selections work OK. .A>' .%Sample 1; !d; !d;=R[-1]C/R[-2]C;Sample 2;  !d;  !d;=R[-1]C/R[-2]C;q0d(2 Unstack or copy the data to the destination sheet <  <A>  A> <   . !AJ e<  <A>  A>$+< . Simply copy the visible rows of the variables <   . !AJk6 Insert sufficient columns at front of sheet for table' .%  .%$0!.   B@ ..  %.. !!!' %  %$0!' Determine the success condition =MAX( )' e=MIN( )'  !de= !d'  !de> !d'  !de< !d'd0Please specify a value for the success conditionA@|`kX %  %$0.( ( !' =IF(  ,1,0) ( ( %  %$0!'  =MAX( )' e=MIN( )'k` %  %$0.* * !'" =IF(  ,1,0) * (  %  %$0., , !'$ =IF( =0,0,if( " =0,1,0)) , ( %  %$0.. . !'& =IF( =0,if( "  =1,1,0),0) . 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H! X!  x!  ! ! $=! $B! !! " " "H" P" # Form dlgSummariseG Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading Written by Colin Grayerp]H i]p ]Variable] ](]P] ]] ] Set up the list box A A@ A@, Put values into the box for proportion type Proportion B@^ Percentage B@^Count B@^ (r2 Put values into the condition box for proportions< B@^<= B@^> B@^>= B@^= B@^<> B@^ (r    A@  - 9 ^      v                           A@"o@  Display the variables box (A@dX0 Hide the variables box, and show the factor box (''vA@kA@oR Variable list has just changed, so check whether the OK button should be enabled. $ '   2  (A@o8 v! (oL By list has just changed, so check whether the OK button should be enabled. $ '2   2  (A@op@]  2  '2 Disable all statistics except CountAll and Blanks  (  (  (  (  (  ( ( ( ( (kPA@o@]  2  '   (   (o ! ( Adjust width of dialog  !  (dP !  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A@>  0  .%(' Insert description of each data column    %  2 & 6 A@     ., Z 2'8 8 : 6 Check whether a column already exists for this factor 8 .%! Z$& Insert factor value into it Z$6   8 .%('8 y k 8 8  $ Insert a new column for this factorA@> :  ': Z$& :  .%( Z$6   :  .%(k Z  :  '2  D &A@B k  F *A@B   2  .%  2  .%$0.kH  !N 2 'RC[ ]/SUM( ., %)*100'L H LA@B k  !N 2 ' *SUM(R2C[ ]:RC[ ])/SUM( ., %)*100'L J LA@B k8 G L 6A@B j G N :A@B j  P @A@B k  R FA@B k  G T JA@B j G V NA@B j G X R1)A@B j G Z VA@B j G \ R3)A@B j G ^ \A@B j  ` `A@B  b dA@B k  d hA@B  f lA@B k G h p0%A@B j 'n_ !d n $j' Gxj $ $X'  d r d$)'L % LA@B kkk  !''n_ !d n $j' Gxj $ v  $ x'L !r Proportion L z'L j ' !re Percentage L z ~'L l 'd Count n 'kp      LA@B k80k( !d !d('n nG !d'nj !d n $ !dA@B kk %PB@Zolum  ' insert works will a full sheet.k. Delete last column in worksheet if it is used0; Following If statement added by CJG 19/3/03 to ensure thatort by( Finally, prettify the descriptive table  - Delete the first column if only one variable$.!'< .!B@Z < $0..k .!.. .!B@b %Convert to values and delete the data .!. B@  B !B@d` Hide the data !!(k(o P ] ] .!'r !.p  p B@ r $0..o 3 Adds the column containing the specified statistic] ] ] A@>  2 .%(   $$.  L$Z? !$' $=G= 'j  2 .%  9d` 9LkP $(5 $9d  9kq  2  '2 o I Splits a column header in the form ColName:Factor1=Value1,Factor2=Value2 into individual components] ] ]0 ]H ]` ] ] $Z' :'n n$ No colon. See if there are factors. , =' 'd ''khd`8 Treat the string before the colon as the variable name,% with the factor list after the colon  n $$Z'  n $$Z'k'2 # Find name and value of each factor'n_P  n,$j$Z'$ $Gxj 2 '2/ ReDim Preserve FName(1 To NoOfFactors)0 ReDim Preserve FValue(1 To NoOfFactors) $='   No factor name specified 2+& $ 2+6 d0 $  $$Z 2+& $  $$Z 2+6 k FactorNames = FName FactorValues = FValuekoxp chkPercent.Value = False chkCumul.Value = False/ a different factor is selected. CJG - 18/3/03e H Following 2 lines commented out to prevent these boxes being cleared if" !!N !!P!  # `# ! CJG 19/3/03G Error may occur if InsertColumn has reduced the number of data columns":Attribute VB_Name = "dlgSummarise" Bas0{14A27247-BEB4-11D659-0004768@BFDFA}J02J dGlobaBlSpacoFalse Cre atablPr@edeclaI"dTru BEx0pose0TemplateDerivCustomizD ' Form   Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, T he Un@rsity of R@eading%Written by Colin @GrayerO@ption rlicit Const DefaultSigFig"sF4 CExtraWidth@160 str6V@D9"n Dim NoOfs As Integ De@6n8"Rangǀa ,umnP vH CurrFLoBAE3&@FactorK Puw Sub UserAk_@ $iv@()>  'dt up tbli box @Call:itAs(cmn:D@-APut0EoL@p lstPBZ By, 0:=ð ' @ valuinto)Afor propor€typ]! cboP.AddItem "@9erc- agaCountIndexH`H3condios" S< =>;Z< Ina`IeOutput[ ref0, opC"Ne@wSheetBxookkore!trols" FSavchk!S"G a } _ 6C%U, QW,AYa@@NonBlankumcbMeanStdev"Total|,  TBC ST@MaximumMingedi Qua`les1 SkewXnes` SCVP^i"dǡchN txtFpOr) bCumu` k0 End:b!3_C`ks6If5nA ' Dis@yu…vd]sM 8.`VisibbvG 9L_ChS]Ez ' HideO, a showfYif4zf= F`By Gi 2IfwGbbVahpas jPad, soeck0 whe bOK t`quld@ be en! d. 3^NumberSelected( gbtn0OK.E3p((> 0) Or pA3'ϡ8'Byb<.Vi ByNger!B= By0c%O<1= qa Only[l@T@ = (180 A5 Nozt(kE+rA( sUs except~A@;^ Q^Q Bp^_ЙUqbOL2d_\gdR@R ,5HW   T  .L1 DwN66'Ѳ' Ih'd#s '2]b$s!, 5s22@/llow@ 2 @aвcomm``out prevD @be!&c7@ icc' a diffeaB kis stY. 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Row factor list has just changed Remember the order of selection &A@ o% Make sort options visible if checked   (op (oP (o0P (o& Existing Range option has been chosen% Make book name box and label visible ( (o% New Worksheet option has been chosen% Make book name box and label visible ( (o$ New Workbook option has been chosenI Make book name box and label invisible, since new book cannot be renamed ( (o@PC Help button has been clicked. Display context help for this dialog !(A@joC Cancel button has been clicked. Exit without performing any action A@ro` OK button has been clicked]]0]H]` Find the output destination     :  $8.. ." Specified destination is invalid.C An explanatory message has alreadly been displayed by OutputRange.|(k & Get the ids of the selected variables <  <A> $ '2 &$ '+ Get the ids of the selected column factors 2@ 2  @A>k0( Get the ids of the selected row factors  4 & 4A>d4k Set unstack options G 6 B '6j G 6 D '6j  6 F '6  6 H '6kk G 6 * '6j G 6 , '6j G 6 . '6j G 6 0 '6j 6 2 '6 G 6 4 '6j G 6 6 '6j G 6 8 '6jkH/ Unstack according to the specified parameters. < @ 4 . ! 66 L NAJ3 Save the values of certain controls for next time.   # X                &A@P Get rid of this dialog A@ro (opo G 6 '6j WAttribute VB_Name = "dlgUnstackTwoWay"  Bas0{14A2724B-BEB4-11D7-B659-0004768BFDFA}J04J dGlobalSpacoFalse CreatablPredeclaIdTru BExpo se0TemplateDerivCustom$izD ' `Form  Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The UnCrsity of Reading%Written by Colin GrayerOption ulicit Co DefaultSheet~d Dim NoOfVars As IntegPDF Sub Fr3_C@k()8EndA UserC_activA ' 0CIfǶ> 1AnbTaA'AQ*%Ju hfq_ G.1uxV4If1c` By]s' fG`XBp? ( L O%O%O% nO%t?ru^VvMapke sp^tei siq`nchecDkefra1."V4= (db AJ%0Z^\p pExcept"ɂp\c!pt$jo_ce2 AddvnWExY{ =!Obech?' "bp2dBIlabel vC!txtWolbl/&##Ez, ` as  /O   c2=  okOZ  !  2 !Wc in4, ѡcannot b3??5P$o?_TiHelp,! t൧!ed. Dis y 1ext h t`qd෎op͐ (Get8Me.q@ID w Cancel C 5tbǡ per` m5any it Unload M!OK\iZDinpp B>ِ `kOm Options As Integer   ' Find the output destinaSet D& = OPRange2(optNewBook, Sheept, _ztxtWorkb+@Name, s0refW,r`faultL) NIf Is Nothing Thenq' Specified is invalid.An explayory message has alreadly been dis2y)by%Ex@it Sub-EIf' Gids of@select&variablesReDim Vars(0 To)oOf)Call ItemsInBox(ls6t$,NoOfFactors@nNumber&S By Row CarrD [4column f56D6@y9-> Bw>By, C3f_row *BMCh2 N3P,BS, -lseBK@ O0 9unstack4chkCB2hs"efy+ cmnIncludeh5dhSortJueb "Byc  %" ((HC&! 3%ÅHCounc,"%`Dupl` "oc%ew#,Add~`Ignore?"W0A9La>s[%@   ) @     "  0 8"H` h "p  Fx <) ( "0 *8 Hh)p  "    "    "  6   0H `p       0 8 " @ HX p " x ,  ,    "  ,  ,@ p   "  *  P  0 @ " H P ` " h &p    " "  n_!!!T 1D z).Yvy).Yvy).Yv z).YvxME SPSSS< <0< <<<<$<(<,<0<4<8<<<@bv2 l (T `@h @X @H 8 f 4 @0 @, @( @$ @ @ @ {r 0 p @ @ $@ @ @ @ @ @ @H @ X` p`0 &t '<#N/AH (p@.#  ,( &X &h x 9  &   >  0 @ " H @`                  0 8 @ X  h  "H    % %  (  @ %H %` x      %  %     %  % ( 0 H  ` %h %     % %   8@X p%x  (    ( 8 .Hx  %   .(@ Xh  x   " d0(0X L0  80 H%h   N,X @  P%h x    6R  N ` x "\N  @  (08@HPX`hpx $$   , P` x        (H P X ` 6h     $ @ P X ` h x   6  008 P px2        (0 @ H P X ` p     H ( 0 H ` F$$06X     P Form dlgColumnPlotG Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading Written by Colin Grayerh]Colour GradationX]]]](]Po Initialise the lists A A@ ` \B@^ \A@ bA@ fColumn Ad fBar Ad fLine Ad fPoint Ad fArea Ad fPie Ad fRadar Ad f(r    A@ \    f b \ v  A@ A@ z!|9 Workbook is shared - must create chart on a new workbook ( ( (ko 0 ~ dC@^ 5 +Xqo? Check that the number of selected items in the lstXvar and the6 lstYvar boxes is non-zero, if so enable the OK button b$ 'V V  (o \!r'T1...n selectedd \$ 'TkxopX v! (oP $ '2o0 ( ! ( ( f!rKT ColumnKT BarKT Line (KT Point (KT AreaKT Pie ( (KT Radar ( ( (no ! ( G' joX& Existing Range option has been chosen% Make book name box and label visible ( (o% New Worksheet option has been chosen% Make book name box and label visible ( (oh$ New Workbook option has been chosenI Make book name box and label invisible, since new book cannot be renamed ( (o !(A@joX Cancel button has been clicked A@roP OK button has been clicked]]]H T V& Get the ids of the selected variables \ A> b A> v 2 2  A>k(   A \    f b \ v  A@P A@ro 9 Plot series on a graph from stacked data (for filtering)]] ]@]`]]]]]]]](]@]X]p]]] ]0 ]&t '<H ]#N/A`  Choose chart type' f!rG f(rj f!rKT Column 'z G |'zj G 'zj Column Chart'KT Bar 'z G 'zj G 'zj Bar Chart'KT Line 'z G 'zj G 'zjd 'z G 'zj G 'zjk Line Chart'KT Point 'z G 'zj G 'zj' Point Chart'KT Area 'z G 'zj G 'zj Area Chart'KT Pie 'z Pie Chart'KT Radar 'z G 'zj Radar Chart'nP Find the output range $   :  $. G|j 'T 'V '2 2 ' Factor(s) specified. Get their names.  2 G ,'j  $$' k( Unstack using the factor, but no carry. 2  2 $ +  V' T  An X column is specified.$$' Unstack the Xdata by factor %  %$0. % %$0. %  %$0.  'd@      !   !N $J'k 2 set up string of Y column names, comma separated.  V  G ,'j  $$' G Replace blanks with SmallNumber to prevent them being ignored by chart !.  ! $!G  $(j  Hide the data !(  z  Make pie into doughnut 'zk  Produce the chart z       AG Replace temporary small number with #N/A to get rid of spurious points   B@oH (  &,28>D2Plot " 9 Plot series on a graph from stacked data (for filtering)] ] ] ]8 ]P ]h ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]( ]@ ]X ]p ] ] ] ] !l%BB@H !'  pick up its name n z9z9p& Copy unstacked columns into the chart !P!'    %!'   %$.  t vC@rd t5B@Bk 7  %$. 90kp 9`   Line Chart  Point Chart 96  98k z  z   5(  5(k  Suppress lines in Point Chart 5(kphq` 9~  of  5! (d  5! !d against  5! (dk  5! !d by  5! (dk ,'   z 9kH 5!( $(Pie charts dont allow fiddling with axes 7 999~ 54! (d 54!(kq 799 9~ 54! (d 54!(k@q8 05 5( 5(q z  z  B Tidy up duplicate series by making them the same colour and style 5! 8  7! 87!@ Duplicate series name found. Copy colour and style from j to i. 87!8 7(8 87! 7( 87!! 7!( 87!! 7!(9')Suppress legend as it contains duplicatesy0k( 8 kqo       !   0 * F 6 !N $J 'Attribute VB_Name = "dlgColumnPl ot" Bas0{14A2724F-BEB4-11D7-B659-0004768BFDFA2}J06J dGlobalSpacoFalse CreatablPredeclaIdTru BExpose0Templat@eDerivCustomizD ' For m Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The UnArsity of Reading%Written by in @GrayerO@ption slicit Const strByqour|Dd !on@d Dim NoOfFactors As Integ(XVaTYRChartTypeL@;(0 To 18)ShowL in@Boolhean/P@b@d @Sub Fr2D_C@6k()AE ndA Userea_1ivC  '4itia4li@t@Yts CallBs(cmnD@APutM@EoA4box lstBy, 9CM:=@ Xvar.AddItem DummyAA P _B/3@_T+(cDboF, "C", xlCCl[.e@hpU"Barb"Aa?"_J Point_;"<PiexRad$%"cI!.AIndext0 9InVOutputRange ref, opC"NewSheletikG e retrolSav9 { 7_ @^^!Q,bXchkcd`cked, `100Perc":r i _W If Act@Workbook.MultiAEd`&ng` '  is Fs@3- m^ Zce a new w #+A".Valu&~B2.EnH̀3RAIf zBs D:, )2By TextXrSpngsC8odeH\," With OqEG29/Count - 1)`/Paap%>Y`V!^A 2' Check that@e numberuselectiYs @t`st1+ ae;D ^jp#non-zero, if so eOK to't0s` NSt(As#@btnOK (> 03 Q q1pE:1c}= 01'1...n eE2I S 1, }p@By  By.VisibBbS7hAR !Q Ս$=  By IHe MH AN[ VE ?Pd0b$ CA b'C~G1'P{2Qx"Q = 3a yta^ R4QwB"5!puoo "6'bw Cgk10o+d+ 0ocX10?Notu>'Hs$ ub}u9'?Łˀun!has bePch O ' MakeSok na 1Vlabel v=txtyQ lbl/A{, ysa    Q L  .   p been chosen   ' Make book nam$x and label invisible, since newXcannot repdtxtWorkN.Vz = False#lb"l# ESub Pri vate  btnHelp_Click()Get Me.ContextLIDoKCahlButton('$'  b hlas:eu-Unload;4Z$OK 1OK/Dim XVars(@) As IkgLer5 Yv F`actorRe0 To NoOfT?CMY!' \ the ids ofselected %iasCall ItemsInBo@x(lstX@,5A, $5%0IfkBy A@2s <> hD?5 @ #By,TC If7 NewXYBySeries(92utSaveArols ColumnPlo, optRang@BBSheet, cboChartTyp _#@0N XO[ch@H,aStackedhk100@Percen hkShowPoint8 \s. jP, al]^'T d4' a) sb1 on a graph from s data (for filt`ng`""dDestinatio"2YX#:sv6i|XString O!^IMYb4QsAsL!Zlea-By ourmi)* #pC#0d(sAsLab(els$(7YVar1IfBX > 0 Th enF' An X c is specifiedxX-9'(1Xdata by7GOՁPUnS(YvX, , 1Destination, _%LchkCopyD@.Valu(e, LE,@?nNumeric:= Small@berOps:=cmnDuplNDew* + SortRowsG#2Max:=257 - X0.g0Set X YRange( ells(1, 1)C.CGY2 j#Js- 1fEllseh =w{Dummyo?}> /A5+T)2u5" d+ϒsBup strof Ytns,mma separatunb1 i >s Yzp& ","E"v(e(' Replace blanks with ho to p@reventAm beignoredchar>t cg`dcurrReg" koun `?!C ""vH" Hideb Entiret.`denTrucg h!7 ACA#TypeA xlPie,M ake pin,doughnu{DP#b' Produ 92C  ( `^D, %`AM"N%c@ itle:=g,rker!hkShowPo@dw 'temporary s!_ num0_(#N/A(Bg06rid 5spurious ~p" ueA  Sub Priv9 Byi As IntegohRVaba7~ '$3{SD, c>xzYAODtalD.cu2+&"!"Plxot"^w`B"yourFaiMa&LineU=]eft8200??sTozp 5a: arion a graph fromdPU(f@filtPngmr,XYGR*Go#(fYoi4.jOmŏ%&X'P uP *TF QYuPtr/ m MultipleYsBoolea3AQY9]Z[ MincqWbl_aom +M߃ ;S6RP _ Gre@h B`A=veSheet.B#Objects.Add(L,, p, 25-P-).Sel&= S{.R'kp its BWsB1DqCVisiOnl^y3@u'p8y u#`ss otp@z=nsp؆s,Ui)(ёA8= AllI:n(2, Hp ItS0Sce I:=, By:=V] I@ a!+";ИC If Not (XColum ns Ishing) Then Set Xdata = AllDInz.Cells(@2, 1)).XValues@H End IfA .Name.Yg On Error Resua*Next !Markers Aa(ChartTitl+"Line  " OrPoint.-BackgroundTorIndex[xlN8oneGForei + 2keype <> xlPieq Doughnut.Bord8er.- -Interio +PShow]s#' Suppress lfs in aR/StyuQ]Q$ƎGoTo 0A With3A iE.HDasŊTruy.'`acMs.T & " of& Y6sEvXu""MJY_9CAagainst/&F@or?k+?!by3Mul@tipleY!(@InStr(*, ",")(0Ƒ= ,S AC5k,A@Lege= Fals@k'IFont.S4iz1NQIgnAx`b"'a{"c!s d allow fid"ddg wU a'$W .(xlCategor>y) XLAMajorGri ¶J" ieAxiB% GR)K0iz*$# _-LK 1@8w# /#"':$PlotAreaUpcWI_cq3O8OnxlOnr ' Tidy up duplic0 s@l,EmakA themA sцcolour a0=se F:߆} i ^1 d .Sbpulection vun̉ji - 1 (i)jo&' D nqf. Copy = from j to i.. po Mr0o=  lԔO /q#_Vw"oonao/ n(//"22 @xo`i'kaPt |ntq2@&Exit !D2Plot "9 Plot series on a graph from stacked data (for filtering)](]@]`]]]]]]]](]@]X]p]]]] Dim ChartTitle As String Dim NoMarkers As Boolean]]]( !l%BB@H !'  pick up its name n z9z9pq NoMarkers = (.ChartType = xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers' Or .ChartType = xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers)& Copy unstacked columns into the chart !P!'    %!'   %$.  t vC@rd8 t5B@Bk 7  !P!'   Find the corresponding X column :'  ' d  $' k` 8  8 %!' :'  ' d  $' k   8 %$. 90yk 8kpkh 9  96  98 Else3 .MarkerForegroundColorIndex = xlNonek  l5 BBkq 9~  Colour plot' Else ChartTitle = "Plot"k8  of  5! (d  5! !d against  5! (dk  5! !d by  5! (dk ,'  9k@ 5!( $(Pie charts dont allow fiddling with axes< 7 99& .CrossesAt = .MinimumScale9~ 54! (d 54!(khq` 799# .CrossesAt = .MinimumScale 9~ 54! (d 54!(kq 5 5( 5(q 5G5 B@Zj : Factor is in first Y column (and hence the first series).  Delete this series7B@Z %$.  :%'  :%' 5#1HxME @<0<  @  (08@HPX`hpx " " $L$'@ hpx   ,-0@ CX Mx    A    -  &(P `px*C * (M@`hp x      :   "( @ H P ` h  p  " X  60 8 0Hx  ! ! $  ' @ '  ' ' e ' ' ' e' '  ' d'  ' ' k  % ` $@959 9 9 # Col + 29 q  kqo\Attribute VB_Name = "modChart" ' Module L PCopyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of ReadingWritten by Colin GrayerOption ExplicitPub Sub Make(ByVx Type As Integer, _ XmumnsRangTY 9X7Sng,  Y , #Factor &y7 Direc= f tuMincDoe Max XQB1k2D<@@!&"BD a(i P NoHt (FEIs`th`) A= 'rK> 0' Fi #orrespond X ד%hPT=c!, ":"<3 3F [\%_ oMid + 1{ Ef2j 2 2 P.C2j2#InaoH w%Fry|= !J / _P +Ur""/AIX"OId s@Ij)"<.XF Exit @$/Next jnP1+ Cs5LH.BackgroundRorIndex-xlNonDeO`]+ 2Vus&r !7OpCal8l .F31:=xl}ar\ ~7`riu.HasTTruP. 4"pQ&+p` { ` .T1'& "" &  97<> 7s.C{hartTitle.Cacters.Text _ & " against$& XNameJEnd IfIf ForD <> "" Txhen>= byvk MultipleYs = (I@nStr(YRs@, ",")V0V)c=cAtNot $lHasPLege=lsqFont.SizeJ10?On Error GoTo IgnoreAxes'Pie cs d allow fiddling with a'W. (xlCategory:;uSl.6MajorGri"8 6i+ 'C.CrossesAt>.MinimumScalL #© TruMAxisT=D ^ AORValueQI H"Hm3tPcE` _( U(Y:)PlotAreaH .Border.LineStyldxlNonI@.Inior.ColorInd|exEJ8% 'Byur @a&$y a| ..Delet 'ĝ is( in@pr`Y column (a@ce theseries).h'  3.SBlection(1)OSetRang%AllDataIn (Ys.Cells(`2, 1)Wpc'Applica; s(# ax)axFEach ! In^ NMi@1 '.Pointount+@ (i) - ) / (M!* 255n`@< 64C qCRed Green4 *  @B @CE 128<A (127@ I4& 92 4cB @ O O D L1aO,)&O |Resume Np .MarkerBackgr -dp3= RG$B(, 2 , ? p3eSOF7WDiam8ond 'a. + 2ShadcZ#P i@' Sub itten by Colin Grayerp   (d $  (d T   A@ K!o@- Append current spreadsheet data to Data Area]J  !d$0%'  !dG  !d,  (dj  !d    (doXC Help button has been clicked. Display context help for this dialog !(A@joC Cancel button has been clicked. Exit without performing any action A@rox OK button has been clicked]X]p]'n_  n'  !d n,$j' Gxj $ 4 Ref box contains an invalid address - warn the user   (   ( The Data Area address is invalidA@|8k0(  !d'  ' '  '"  '$  T   A@P A@roAttribute VB_Name = "dlgDataArea" Bas0{14A27253-BEB4-11D7-B659-0004768BFDFA}J 08J dGlobalSpacoFalse CtablPre declaIdTru BExpose0TemplateDerivCustoHmizD ' Form ' Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, T he UnErsity of R@eading%Written by+lin GrayerOption wlic4it Pjn Sub User'@_activ@(@) refA.Text1QcmntxtCurr(E Initps( C utReMreCo6ols ESav9opFirst, NoFndard, _B'@ D% End<@btnAppend_CHk@$'  c8 sp@dsheetD d to/ ?Dim с6 As@vrBj,= Range(R).Add ress(_er`nal:=AhIf h<> ""n=& ",@,<&aY(Help (A  tOhas b e@Tca,ed. Dis`ly c AKh for this dialo[e&Get 8Me.GIDCancel,wExit without perm@8 andy eonUnload M fLOKOK5# IPosHIn8tegzOld4ejOA= 19" Do d = Ge= N`-Field()D,,aICRReQ) Not Valid_e)bW ' Ref boxDains`0 inva ac - warnG8e uSe:lrCsLength@(hMsgB"VDk@O`!DIfLoopH,ceand c hkcIgnore SHAL$u:VWBut\^^s^^Za) SP85_ (X B  .  * 8*+@ px  RR  # <$P`  Hh B2 F4Xp !x B2 6 H( %p@ tn G 1z).Yvy).Yvy).Yv z).YvxME@SPSSS@$ @ 1 `0 t p @` @P L @< @,  pHh  hp @` \ @L @< h, @  @  "  $ T Ph @ @ @ hy (@ `  bx `0xU  N h  "  $ "  " 4 0 X8 ,mXC  "  J   " J   p  " "  8  :0 p  *+   $ $$$ "  0 @ P Form dlgDataAreaG Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading Wr 7 6  . H > @ H AP Bh  & 0    & 00 `hp x!  &  .> (^(P X x   # 8%   ( DD1%xME @<( <0<<`@ 99I) k %)< `z$`Zxk` v ` tlumn` rdard` `pA` nk`nxl" + `4@) 8' %`xetur`N vells2 @4 @8(x ( p  ` p  H & (x ( p  ` p  H `6 t`6 t`6 tH(x ( p  ` p  H `6 t'`6 tp(x ( p  ` p  H `6 t'`6 t@h (xp"(zp0P @L < , @  @ H $ J @ P@ h(  @ @` 8 $ J @`/"p @| "x X4 " $ J "((@"@z P (\ X@X X TO  P LO xXH @8 @( @$   O @ ""p @ "@ 8@ " P`p@h8XP@"  @ hxO `X @ ` b d 2  0'@ 'H @  @ @@ @ @ @| @l Xh @X @(T @P @L OH`O"@D h 4 "B (mpxH``@H``h xXP HL @< @8 4 Xp$ @ @ @ @ @`xh`(t`, p A`x`t!`, pX @   `x`xt&`, p0 ( @ `x` tX *`, p X! @ @ @ @ "Xt !d @T "D x!x!`xx!@l !`@!t@l (" `, p `x@`!t(`, px"z z4 2 `x`H"t"`, p#"0@ @0 "@l #, @l X$!`0H"$0!X$x( 8$$ @ @ @ $`, t$`, t8%  @ ("%( 0) 8%)H% X$@l x% / p0)``, t %/@&& h&&%& h&@l @l (&8 p &` ' `, tH(P^ 0)L 8'< @, h' @ 0)X 0)@ 0(@ @ @ ('( H(0) `, tP)2)`))) )P)(z P)x)`, t x) `, t )`x+X,X,d @T *P @@ X,< P*@, @ X@ (@ X, @P+XP++++z`t x,++pX!`,x,x,xl @\ ,HX 8@H @8 ,`t, 6 , `t /(4 ,  /0H --/Ph@"``. p.Xp.d @T P/@P @@ @0 @. .., ...* //( `t//P/( @ ( /H (/0z// `t 000 0`t 0 1h/h///1j 1X/xp HP2h P2X 1H @8 2( @ h2 2`t20 2 2@/`3 `2P3X @ pP3( @ `@x@341334035x 4444@x44550 @  @ 5@ 850)8 x5*58**)8 x5*58**)8 x5*58**)8 x5*58**)8 x5*58**)8 x5*58**)8 x5*58**)8 x5*58**)8 x5*58**)8 x5*58**)8 x5*58**)8 x5*58**)8 x5*58**)8 x5*58**)8 x5*58**)8 x5*58**)8 x5*58**)8 x5*58***@ 0  N :h     B@  X "` 0             U  @  H >X  ,       0     ( 8 B @ <H    ! !  0  ! a   (  0  @  H  X h p " x @ N    ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x        ! ,   - , ( 0 H ,P  "     C ( 8X ` "h.     $Q  P@   ( 4(^.0   >  2H(X E :  00 %`   8EQ (  (0 X 6h(2   2  0 $8 `  x     " F B  (h    - ,     (@ &h 4 $O >H$P :p<  (08@ H :X     &  *  0 8 B@ &       "$ 4 08@HPX`h /p/ $ "  < 40 hp x99 B 8 ,.P  & &( :B ( &@ ;hFf     .( 8PX h p x     B  D    ( @ >jX   &    (+  ! (! 8! @!H! P!`! h! B  p! Hx! >! """ "8"(P" x" " " "" "" " B  " F" 0# P# X#p# # ## ## # B  # @# :$ H$X$h$p$ "x$  $ $$)$$%5% (% B 0% <8% x% % B % % % % D% 0(& "X& Dp& :& &''' ' (0'X'2Jp'(B' 2' &(((0( (+H(p(,6x( ( 4( &6( ) ) ()0) 8)H) `))2J)(B) 2) &0*P*X* (+p**** * 4* &6*  + 0+ H+P+X+ h+ x+ B + @+&l+++ + "  + .82  ,02  (, *1 21 "0,"2 X, (2 .2 !+ , 028h2)3 ,  3 0(3 X3 2 2h, p, " x, T,,,,,,---  - (-0-48- X- :h- "- - -*-+.0. 8. H. P. `.p."x. .-. . 2./ &/@/H/P/X/`/ h/0x/ /+// / // / .0 200 P0X0`0 h0 B p0 Bx0 00 0 040"1 '1 81H1 P1 `1h1 p1x1111 1 x3 Module modColumnG Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading3 Written by Howard Grubb, Martyn Byng, Colin Grayer]PH^^0^H^`^x^^p]p];=========================================================== A" Procedures to handle column names' Get range names from the current sheet]x]]      !"#$%&'()*+,.A0123456789:;<=>?@-BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^amcdefghijkl`nopqrsuwxyz{|}~t]]]]]( > ! 2 There are no workbooks open - flag error and exitThere are no workbooks open @ A@'zkxK Resolve problem if something else is activated (seems to be a web problem) zG$> B@2j !B 6 Sheet is protected. Allow macro to use CurrentRegion.F BD kB No data area is specified. Use the current selection if sensible,< otherwise the area at the top left of the current worksheet $pRange? Select top left cell if a non-range (e.g. a chart) is selected %.d .kp< Limit Selection to the area currently used in the worksheet !B!0 Too complicated to do this with multiple rangesA Just live with some inefficiency if e.g. whole rows are selected !55!  '5N5P!  '8 qH !  !N 8  B Whole selection is outside the used range, so set Datarange to A1 %!.k 55!  ': 5N5P!  '<  :  Reduce number of selected rows55N %  < %$0. ': k 8 <  Reduce number of selected rows55N % : 8 %$0.kqk !' $0. Determine location of data range $H ' Default to region at top left of sheet %!.d !! !P! d  Only one cell selected.  Use the current region !.kPkH !B 2 Sheet is protected. Protect it again from macros.F BD k! Initialise the column name array2 X'4 $H  "  $ * Set up list of column names in this sheet AJ k0 'n_  n,$j' Gxj  J $0!%'k $ 8 Set up list of column names from the standard data area $0AJ kPHk@ $H  "  $ * Set up list of column names in this sheet AJ k !'i`5 Returns True if all the cells in the range are empty]]]  !B  ! !D!  ! $L  !!'H zk k  'H i(9 Set up the column names corresponding to the given rangeG Returns an array of indices pointing to the corresponding column names]]]]]]] ]8]P]h]]]]]]](]@]X]p]  !B% Cater for ranges with multiple areas 5P!'5!''Z   A 'R & Column not currently in list - add it    Range is empty - ignore it\ 0k(     Ignore hidden columns  7P!G^ j  No data in this area'd Column has some data in it   7 R  7$0$.J %'k '  No header row has been foundJ   7%', I Check if there is already an entry for this column in the same worksheet , $` 'N N " No existing entry for this column  Z . Data has been found but no obvious header row'Z *Do you want to treat the first row of data as column headers? b $'P P d  '  R 8 This was the only data row, so now no data in this area''d , Next row after header is now first data row  '   7 R  7$0.J %'k`   7!'k@ k8 d0 3 This column already has an entry in the name array N $2  * Append this range to the existing address5G5,9j5 9kh q` ^ X kP dH 2 A header row exists - get the column name from it   7!'J   7%', k " Set up column name and range name / No name for the column - default to "Column_X"Column_5N   $f 'k0 $+ Prefix a numeric column name with "Value_"Value_ 'k  Add a new record to NameArray   , Ah  4 'N ^ x  q` \ X o@  @ Looks for the header row (last non-blank row with no numerics),< and the first data row (first row containing any numerics)." Public since is called by Lookup.]H]`]x]]]] 5P!'5!'''    Search for a header row 7  7$0.j j $H 0Ignore empty rows - Check to see if there are any numeric values 8  8$j $ 8$j 7Numeric value found in row - give up looking for header '  ! 4 Check to see whether preceding row contains headers Z   Z %$ Z %|k Z'k|k 8 3 All values are non-numeric - could be a header row 'kX     The last row is the header row  $ Only one row, so header but no data'd < The whole data area is non-numeric, so assume header row is the first row, followed by data''k8k0q(o  - Adds a new item to the array of column names]]]]]]0]H]` , $0$x 'n , $0$z 't z!'p !'v 6 Search NameArray to see if the entry is already there  4 $2 !, ,  . Entry is already present - ignore the new one|k Check for duplicate names $2 !, $0$x 'l $2 !, $0$z 'r $2 !  ; Duplicate name found - distinguish them using HeaderSuffix , $$'. $2 !, $$ $2 (. n p  l p   Remove book name from suffixes . [ n ]$'. $2 !. [ l ]$ $2 (. t v  r v  Remove sheet name from suffixes . . ! $'. * $2 !. $2 !. ! $ $2 (. k(k k ( Append the new item to the current list 4  '4  i = ArrayLength|  $2  9 9 , 9, . 9. 9qh| `oXx> Finds the index in the array corresponding to the column name Returns 0 if not found]]  4 $2 !'  $ ! $ !  Get rid of trailing !  $' k  $2 !.  ( $2 !. )' k  '~ zk '~ i B Searches NameArray for an entry with the specified header address8 Returns the NameArray index if found, or 0 if not found]h ] ] J , $0!%'  4 J $2 !, $0!%'   Header addresses match '` zHk@ '` i  @ Finds the index in the array corresponding to the column number Returns 0 if not found]  4 $2 !  ' zhk` ' i@( : Get the letter(s) corresponding to a given column number.3 Column 1 is "A", column 2 "B", column 27 "AA" etc.]  ]  ' '8ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 8  8 '8 8' $' 8  '8k  8$'f i 5 Get the data address in the i'th record in NameArray $2 !'@ihH  Get the i'th column name $2 !'i ==============================================================) Procedures to handle controls in dialogs % > Inserts the list of variable names into the specified listbox4 If Factor is true, lists items ending with ! first.]8 ]P ]h ]  4 ! Insert factors first if required $2 !' $ ! $2 !, $ '  $ ! + Get rid of trailing ! when displaying name   $'k $2 !.  ( $2 !. )'k   $2 !  ~B@^ ~$pListBox $2 ! ~! ~, $2 !e ~! ~(rkk   4  Now insert the rest $2 !' $ ! $2 !, $ '  $ ! + Get rid of trailing ! when displaying name   $'k $2 !.  ( $2 !. )'k`   $2 !e  ~B@^ ~$pListBox $2 ! ~! ~, $2 !e ~! ~(rkk $2 ( o , $0! Gzj , $0! !d$!' k i 7' electi o a k]X  ~ .Tag = SelectionOrder; 7qop N Returns an array containing the ids of selected items in a List or Combo Box.]]0]H]`]x]]] <'  ~'Z ~$pListBox5  4 No selection order specified. Select in list order. 5 7 Z 'Z Z G|j/Vars array is full 7$~  Z+<k d Z b' ' 5 7 7$X' + Only include selection if not already done   Lowest selection number so far ' ' kkk  G|j4No more selected items Z 'Z 7$~  Z+< ' kd  Must be a combo box5r 5r7$~ +<kkqo< Returns the number of selected items in a List or Combo Box]@]X'N  ~ ~$pListBox 5 7G N  'N j d5d'N d'N kkxqp N ' i`X$ SelectionOrder = Val(.Tag) + 1+ .List(.ListIndex, 1) = SelectionOrder 5 ' ])(Update the selection order in a list box5 $X ;k0 ) Put next selection order no in list item'#In case .List(i,1) has not been set5 $X 9 00d3 * Not selected - reset selection order to 0 ;2Attribute VB_Name = "modColumn" ' Modul$e P TCopyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of ReadingWritten by Howard Grubb, Martyn BynHg, inayer7Option Expli cit Pr8iva)Type Array RangeyAs_^rG } HZerAddress  Suffix 'o Integ_3$Sel ectedBoolean End [ Dimf()UmLength;=7A~Procedu@ to hand@c‹ n@s\PubA@e FuncBiInitA)s(ByVDummy&rSngB1f' Get rh from tcurr shaaspecifiaUe!,ensi`.,' $erwiD!Ga atmtop left ߁KGp@/!|(b @) <> "p"ύ'`$ ce!@a non-~(e.g. a ch)ed(S`iB O *C s(1, 1d'GSyt & ,' LimX: #"$$ly 6d πA#& .A~Ew=Kwawoo coVm٠RdA dHh ``wimult|ip`#"wJust l  Ahe cienLcyjb)wh Xrowj|s)WQ9 $dTh= .T+b5 -| 1U`  A%w>"\Or{`Pa Z& ' W"/s outside-,G s%vA &t@;&.*? X% 5?&0oP_oolC{<6R8 ` Zduce number@#$2$(9!$, D), Q , P  )#=p #S = H P00t=$"T4PI ${ U V4=34 Oб(C'De jmine loc!!h3R0IsEmpty):' DefaM7rrrggf %R_o8 E8` 5I>pY/F^n1)"O0{ o"mE22yC2 - E5/edLv( Ppaga0n"svePsT:=B$ ' ѤialX s2 ReaB(0 To 256C= 0U((cmnIgnore!{DisplayFirw!'uQ1џC}-Ҡ0uppHr s22 + j5a@0"Do0 = NextField(cmnDataArea, Pos, ",") If  = "" Then Exit Do NExpand`VF@Range().CurrentRegion.Address(ernal:=True End If Valid X ' Set up list of column names from the stfardd d a #Call$upCN( ?YLoop(d(Not "IsEmpty)) AzIgnore DisplayFirs[@in?is sheetsB  r.F@ow.@Entire.Hiddֆ*A @(%L) Or d cZ )hC b1s-bReply1Header`7Jb+oBgLa~O O heck1ure ldy rryI>t`eR# workjbAcp'CBInArw(z ;قexİ"  ŏ <>A1N0GO`.$B. but no obviousXVfvS= MsgBox("Do yopu wa0Qt=fǑ$Pa" & _(" :t(s?", vbYesNo߀E OV( a`Z  e= d/->srondb, sow2oP#e Gss = "" Elset' Next row afte@r head is n&first dataD*F*D)R7=  + 1;Set ThisRan ge(.Cells( I, cc), Las6t8 )2AdXdre7. (ernal:=True%End If5Colu`mnNameUHT.Valu// y'T c!# alr y has an entry in the n*arrayQ5With 3AA(cntGIf IY<> !enK' Appe@Tt rtoB%existing aCmUq  =& ",̓ 5!mCAPGoToccQRz (vx&s - gj;?b: h !' wher p [edQ = ActiveWorkbook.A$3BB ' Seaprch ªArs ee iften try izlr%yreFors= 1 To LengIfG(i). @@ThenCh' EMp@# - ignore3'on$CEx k W! aK= }aA 7L#'move af fu s{e#7C r@[" & & "]n"` "E,6E U %%QA"cD%%}%se& l&MidE%%InHl"!") + 1IH` @9&a $US / KF Next i?"6BtLtcurr!Ol@;hV8` 'ibOn Err OGoZSQE.Fd?d\ @C6q b : /Funs$onndByoך~)'sindex inScospondVx 5turns 0!wnotZ 0 ?DFull Gyy=e#D() >ACRightv,P;`< P <> E' GPrid1tratil! Lef k -hC!'!Pv'a "dʇ8V(])" .8d^0$ s(sBP rE+o@gEF0#2G00I?2F$1Ϛ<1Ues%`-`r an Lw@Ԣ2specifi0h aD1_š$`66f2, M3 3As%J|O`").iTre.(_ernal:=True3n:P-8X f(=1 a1ewe= N: `matcS'X#,t ,ߘqP_,o@_,X,Byts As String)Integer ' Finds the ex0array correspoDndx to4column numbReturns 0 if not foundDim i# |For= @1 To AuL`engthI@f Name(@i).Adds =  Then-0CBy,iExit F@unctioE nd IfNeXxt &0  # Private- GetEId(  %'lett er(s)a `given .3is "A",2 "BH7A" etc B AgAlph0abetiC&, `ResulHG mqr, jHD= ""jl`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVpWXYZD (j > 26) }Aj - 1 @ m@ / C&Mid(E!, m, 1)G CMod +vD& KjGublic EGdata aini'th redA&hfSdm ?ʼn|b  ?+J]A'=7 ' Pr`ocedu`h andlejntrolsa*dialogs ~9Sub Pu$~sPoListbox(ByRef BoxeCo 8, _#!VzOpal ByVFact= FalseV' Insertl of varitab`n,specified !`f` true, @tems eCwiK! first(Ҽ.A$!gÍIsBooleai f"$sCrequire`-M= K = (Right(zR"!") Or CommentI`#c"Headerdm/@") 1 A cridA%dLef T N`\x Suffix <>`^Yrt; & "("P $)^ (!1z)3 uM p8I@- C0Type(`)A<"]Selected.CtiZ E <@o!D2&=6S 9' NowOEb[0Qt5A d_4_4q_4_4r_4_4_4?_4:_40_4_4mexd_4e)R,/0_4!tb_4?ఊ8_4 _4or(_4 1_4q C_40i_4_4_4PQ_4 ).e_4_4ox;[y26pRodqx5MVrRange(*). m=tha0 -osf.TP< = T2 8ϛPSet3OrtV1ObjWj'Up0eIfsX oa %qA1W*Q+= (.TVa'R %(R[FUU0A_"80rected(i) Then SelionOrder = 0 |On Error Resum@e Next|'In case .List(i,1) has not been set9 1)q )If '@ Put ns  ono in l item 1?|Val(.Tag) + 1 End IfElse1#' NSed - re[to ËTы:φi: With Sub Public @ IEsInBox( As Control, Vars()Integerh'@turns an array c aining the ids of5@9^rsba 8m(bo @.B'DiXm iHkMax&Q@3.'GF inLastPosBD-= UBound(WCTiB @kFxTypePNameAh)"AQN"  ONMspecified.n&fBhW3CFi 0 To~CtYf#%uc kRnk > ' ExitbW 'a(dPis fulle(C (k!'FindColumnBy"*j)1eykC|Do While 8k <NkP= -o'MPn1#1[¢AN O%C@ L> eφ' OnlyOcludeTif"already donm' OrD[@3 ,bLowesBtnumbso farN$: E UB - -1BHI9No mor_o? ::J;l'= {pLoop=' Mu be aokboxDIndex >P; AK> 0Sޗ`= I"7z `Jda~ FunctP0 N+(Yd1k9 7}//~/~$~0AcntOsqOjroqpnqR'k(.i) Q('1)" .Teб= "wV}%f` y 5U  0H  N :h   D & B ( 60hp x -$]    B  ^  & : r 4` T n v` D r  .   d` h-x @~     (@"Hh  hp    d$o$O1#xME @< <0< < <\<`<<<< <$<(<,<0<4<8<<<@ `\@ 9) 8 % xX % tx  %x88H  %88H88H( P88H( x  ( hx ( 0\ @L < ( , (  ( ( x @l @l ( ( @l @l \ p@l X@l @8L (0< `(0, @l `@h @X @H ` tP ` t0` pX` l@\ ` tH` p0@x` h@8 h@6  x ` t` t` p` p @x` ` l` t ` p@x` 80XH`H @\ ` p` t ` p ` l @\ hH@x` Z 0L @< h8 @( ( ( @   @  @ @ @pXx  @  P@T @P @N h xL P`< @8 @( @ @ 8( @ 8@ ` Xp @@  @( z @h p`@p@ pp(p @l @h (j p X@h x@h H X @h `pT @D @4 @$ ( @  X0`0x  `@h ` t` p` lX@\ @ 8   ` 8XP L @< @: @h  ( `@h   ` t@` ph@x` @  @ @ @  @ ` z p @` ` \   z @p 0@` \ (` \ ` 0 x` t` p@x` 0Z 0L @< H 8 @( (  @ p @ @ @ @    (V88  +  8 \ <X  "   "    J ( @8 9x       " (  #  0 @  H  X h p  $x        B  D L p %x  E   ,t   B,  B h p x     D -  & !0@ H DP 4   6  H B` "  , ( ,0!`p*=x   "8+ ( B4$ 0 BX    D-  0 &@ !h x      D  4h   6   ( "0 Xhp  Hx B "0 8 ,H x ,!*=  (8 @ "H8+p  B   4 "  ! ?0 P h x    B   4 "  ( H ` px   B   @    0(4Hp(.  B  B    (@P(4`  "  H J 8@ 3H `:p     Module modSheetelG Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading3 Written by Howard Grubb, Martyn Byng, Colin GrayerPH============================================================== Procedures to handle worksheets0 Ascertain whether a sheet with name NAME exists]`]x'  Loop over all sheets  ! $ !$H $H' yk  ' iX Get the sheet which results are going to be sent to (either stacksheet or unstacksheet) The function works as follows:3 (1) Takes the value of factor as the default name.l (2) If a sheet with the default name exists, then the number of sheets with that as a root is counted, i.e.. that are in the form factor1, factor2 etcN (3) The default name is then set to be the next in the sequence, i.e. factorng (4) A further check is made to see if a name of that form exists, if so the default is set to factornao (5) If NewSheet is true, then the sheet with name "factor", is deleted and recreated. If such a sheet does not= exist then one is created using naming conventions abovel Notes: The return from the function should be checked to see if it is null (i.e. IsNull()), if null => that( user aborted an overwrite option](@]X]p]] Count the number of worksheets with the same name as the one that will be created by default'   ! $ !$H $H G  ' j k Specify the target name  ' t e   ' d    ' ka Check to see if the name exists, and if we are creating a new sheet, alter it until it is unique $ ' t  b a' $ ' k t   All data in the sheet  will be lost @ $' . dP $ . 2 Remove the old sheet, stopping the warning dialog U thought there would be a better way of doing this, but couldnt find it easily !, i.e 5 a way to clear and reset a sheet without deleting it :( B@Z :( k0k(C If the target sheet is not null (i.e. Nothing), create and name it $: Set up and name the sheet to which data will be unstacked !B. G (jkP Return the sheet . i  !!" Put default output range into box !B ( ( (kk z! ( ( (k@o8= returns first cell of next free column in current worksheet.F Gap specifies how many blank columns to leave after last used column.] !. !$A$1 $L  .d@ !N !P!  $.ki 8< Finds the top left cell of the area to contain output data.](]H]h] . n = Create a new workbook and point to top left cell of sheet 1. > !B.  Rename the first (active) sheet (k t e= Create a new sheet in the active workbook and give it a name- if one is specified. Point to top left cell.  ' k $Zt $ . kA Select top left cell of specified range in the active worksheet.< If none, select the top cell of the second column after the last one currently in use.( & Choose the next but one unused column . d& Point to first cell of selected range $0. k %.' CJG 25/5/01 B@2z@8 specified range is invalid.The output range that you specified is invalidA@i < Finds the top left cell of the area to contain output data.]]]] . n = Create a new workbook and point to top left cell of sheet 1. > !B.  Rename the first (active) sheet (' kx dp $ .   Use current workbookd(  Book exists - activate it B@2k k t = Create a new sheet in the active workbook and give it a name- if one is specified. Point to top left cell.  ' k@ $Zt $ . d $ .   Use current worksheetd  Sheet exists - activate it B@2k k A Select top left cell of specified range in the active worksheet.< If none, select the top cell of the second column after the last one currently in use. & Choose the next but one unused column . dp & Point to first cell of selected range $0. k(  %.8( CJG 25/5/01 Restore the active sheet B@2z   specified range is invalid.The output range that you specified is invalidA@iP 8- Look for a workbook with the specified name. Return Nothing if not found] > !$H $H Name matches . zkx . iX. Look for a worksheet with the specified name. Return Nothing if not found]( !$H $H Name matches . zk . i`H9 Extracts the sheet name from the full address of a range]]]]J %' ]'  !'8   8   $' ''8 8G 8 $' j 'z iH< Extracts the workbook name from the full address of a range]x]]]J %' [' ]'8   8   $' 'x ihA Selects the workbook, worksheet and cells of the specified rangeD Needed since Range.Select gives error if workbook/sheet not active.]@ ]` $x $> . B@2 $z $ . B@2 B@HoPH=Attribute VB_Name = "modSheet" ' Module L PCopyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of ReadingWritten by Howard Grubb, Martyn Byng, Colinayer7Option Expl@icit Priva)=9wProcedurjto handworkss3PubD` FuncLExs(Asr{) Boolean  'certapwhether a - with nNAME e( Dim i%Integ% found 2 = False ' Loop o@g allC4For= 1 To WyF;.C@\If (UCaseB((i).A=)wB)=E q%Tru$@Ot. !C*AE5IfNext i[B  cQhGet (B'LSNewQAnObjecC?'  kjhich ults @are go{ abe sÁ(et@xstackSyYun)5'fœB asK@llows: (21UakAvaluefact 'defa%.2) n M+mM,n"nu\mbxBsTthataa ro"o2s caDed, i.e%!8#@#`] form 1,2 et*c3bF ) ibsset+A nBsequenc m(4 9 furr checkA made see if pn bof so!@na5,Ia ]WH*c@}"#" sleted @ Kcred.7LsuM7do@noR!-b$on `2 usRpconv S@VbNotes:bPreturn 0frombfRshould [(K@]'i@nu`(b0IsN())'=> ausKaborBw`Zbk鸞 AvwAS{(z" target?C@'un QocEd@ r3Kwi$(D4$Kc =0v<> ""5D`(In (7?\4\, &)) > 09`!>dUW + 1# Z[' Specify"%3I F = V Em7 & "&h?az -P"F22K!#%,s2>Gwec>:a0 new#f0ltG15'il S6uniN r7eC(q D~hi'n{xpaSts(!c0e Anddi>= MsgBox("A 5data fsV"{ 97lostPW_ QvbOKCaPel`.vbExclamp+ vbDCvButto.f 'RenB+C(ab) $@ivI= hnC l9B<!g it a  ' if one is d. P'&&j"aPM"`V #0aGe[(TrimR( ),w:=א' SelO_ rL%B(c'@ n"x, s iasze`hdÃ'ûA+lyaC On Error GoTo Invalid3 KCn hoosP> jbutunXew:=Lr]' qj (Z NQ#f.cy 'CJG 25/5/01R%A."4atEx-wc :v'-sMsgBox "E PC"that Xyou2i"kM2kkP /$PP20TocokkH#_oz{_oa_o2$R'~ _o:_o_om _o _otRq_ol~eEbB0j_o0@_o1_o_o_o_o_ow_o0_o_o $_oNB`peB{q-(.3G0 Is NothMj' `*av( '  exists - ~`H uPWbI   <2#ac",-_} _}  _}ie_}th`0 +_}_} R_}f_}h&H P3 !380@2is?0 Wp!h aRR p left cell of specified range in the active worksheet. ' If none, s electVtopvsecond column afterN last B currentlysusebOn Error GoTo Inval8idR?OutputAddress = ""` ThenC hoosene xt bupuneSet Rng#NFre eC[Else' Poinxo fira+^(Z)EIf&2GJ.Cs( 1, 1)lCJG 25/5/01' RestoruCJSAatgExit FunoN Z:sjBdMsgBox "_ oBethat yo*uHi" ? Public% FindBook(Name As StrPing)Wb#' L f aBA wit6h€1nReturn NotRh itu nd'@\ DimN  FEachIn %s(UCase(A.A2)v{B) ف matcheHAAEF@vA  !]#L D"c4BL4R5B?5?5 "5E5f5C5B55"+砢5= c 66H%6B@_6*kaFromÓMy'ln'tr@scjea i f`bfu aIJ a_iŶy&iaI@ntegerjhD.$(ernal@:=TrueCi)'In`(, ("]"cjfi, != Midi + @j - i`1 ` ' j <8> 0DJ= L(h d 8@!wD 0 P+ 1W T ` X X Y;%d` `  [ "%a `5B ?qSub S҆r(4 a0.'4:, a?љKdNeed`sinceJ . gs ers5/Utv1Q {2+B2B t#v=vt_+P+)6.JtXsw5?Pu$ modCommon bn&modTranslatev"modRegistration (^modRegApi&r N :h D   H$  *H$h(*8Ph*"8Xp "8 2P     0 @ P ` p       . ( B  0 8@  H$X   Module 1$ @ShellExecuteAxME(<<< < P+ p@>> i `i @i i i #i u ʐ6`pHʐ@P HʐF HʐN Hʐ\ H ʐR H ʐd H ʐl@@ Hʐp(` HʐvP Hʐz Hʐ~x Hʐp Hʐ0 HʐX Hʐ  HʐB@ HʘBBʘH@B ʘ. B"ʘ0h B#ʘ4B%ʘ8B'ʘ,B(ʐ`P H+  -@"   .@ 0@ COUNTBLANK(?)COUNT(?)+` Ii ` O``ʐ&8`Hʐ*Hʐ:(HʐJx HʐV Hʐ` H ʐh0 H ʐrhx Hʐx HʐJ HCOUNTA(?)-COUNTBLANK(?)SUM(?)ʐX Hʐ<0 HʘFBʘ*B!ʘ2H@B$ʘ6pB&ʘD B),@$ 8 /@0 h(HXx(@8@`P px8hP  %IF(COUNT(?)>0,AVERAGE(?),"")IF(COUNT(?)>1,SSCSTDEV(?),"")( MAX(?)-MIN(?)MIN(?) MEDIAN(?),"")MAX(?) QUARTILE(?,SKEW(?)?)KURT(?)QUDEVSQ(?)SKDEVSQ(?)+COUNT(?)*AVERAGE(?)^2SSCSTDEV(?)/AVERAGE(?) PERCENTILE(?,2SUM(IF(?(?)/AV,1.0)) /COUNT(?)E(?,*100&SSCstat,1 ssc-stat.hlpX at V2.0SSCstat tutorial 1.pdf Booklets.hlp0) SSC_DS_Hdrtori SSC_DS_Count SSC_DS_Mean SSC_DS_Stdev1...n PLʐT H Lʘ B*p_Stdev1. 0 h(HXx(@8@`P px8hP 8JTLH` px8hP 0HXx @((P`8p @hhPx8@0HXx @p ((P`8p @hhPx80HXx @p ((P`8p @hhPx8` M 0T  modCommonG Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading3 Written by Howard Grubb, Martyn Byng, Colin Grayer> Contains common declarations etc used by more than one module "$ Descriptive Stats/ Summary formulae]$ COUNTBLANK(?)]$COUNTA(?)-COUNTBLANK(?)8]$COUNT(?)]$SUM(?)`]$IF(COUNT(?)>0,AVERAGE(?),"")(]$IF(COUNT(?)>1,SSCSTDEV(?),"")P]$ MAX(?)-MIN(?)]$MIN(?)x]$ MEDIAN(?)]$MAX(?)]$ QUARTILE(?,]$SKEW(?)]$KURT(?)]$DEVSQ(?)]$DEVSQ(?)+COUNT(?)*AVERAGE(?)^2]$SSCSTDEV(?)/AVERAGE(?)@]$ PERCENTILE(?,(]$SUM(IF(?h]$,1.0))P]$ /COUNT(?)]$*100 General]$&SSCstatx]$ ssc-stat.hlp]$SSC-Stat V2.11H]$SSCstat tutorial 1.pdf]$ Booklets.hlp0, Defined names used by Desc Stat and T-tests]$ SSC_DS_Hdr]$ SSC_DS_CountX]$ SSC_DS_Mean]$ SSC_DS_Stdev Unstack options]$]$]$]$@]$]$  ]$@h]$H]$]$p]$]$]$1...n( Variables associated with the Data Area] ] ] ]  ] 8]]Open'` ` $ ' 'iph]$ Attribute VB_Name = "modCommon" ' Modul$e P TCopyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of ReadingWritten by Howard Grubb, Martyn Byng, Colin!ayernt@ains c @declaroetc usedUmore than onBOption Explicit PrivaG}Pub D0e FuncShellExecLib "s32.dll" Alias "A" _ B (ByVhwnd As Lor lpOped S Fi ((lpP1metDirectory nShowCm]%) (C. AD escri@PveBs/ SummaformulPae MC@dt NoOfBla0nksFCOUNTBLANK(?)N Non+ A -_um0eric Total SUMP Mean IF( @ >0,AVERAGE,"A3StdevT1,SSCSTDEVRangeMAX -MINNMinimuFm ediJMEDIA2 ax- -Quvil)QUARTIL #,SkewneBsIBSKEW0K@urtosi)KhURT0C @*SQU+9*9d^2CV+7/ÇMPerc@PERCEN"Proport$n1eR`N? 2,1.0)P. Z3a/^ 4*100 Gen`l}"Ca@z&s@č !Help ssc-.hlpT -A V2.11 TuialPDF ` t@ 1.pdftBookletsGeßfinns&́ aT-tests,#strdr_DS_HdrmhCount!IUnPck o cmnIn cludezumn1\`S,3 A2ByFaAj 4Rowa8DuplNew16+03n1Igbn= 6?Ldas!12_Max25?P= 51n1<02#20F4_bAddP4,09`D{yXvab(1...11Variabl@associ@d withpe Data AreaA1g79@5ltOCurrRnDi splayFirpn8navapiLa@h(AR6#Dim@t@qASO QRe= (0&, ,  , vbNull1)C  EIAE  N p .   ""&8*`,$0H`$&($Px    0H`x(8Ph ((PBp  Module modTranslateacros\G Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading Written by Colin GrayeS1xME(<<< <`ʐ(0 Hʐ2P Hʐ4X0 Hʐ>X HʐHx H ʐL H ʐT H ʐZ@ Hʐ^ Hʐf  Hʐn( HʐtHH Hʐpp Hʐ 0 HʐD  HʐH  HʐL  HʐN  HʐR  H ʐV  H"ʐX 8 H#ʐ\ `0 H%ʐ` H H'ʐb X H(ʐf p H*ʐj  H,ʐl  H-ʐ  H/ H1ʐ ( H2Descriptive StatisticsNumber of blank valuesʐHʐ$Hʐ0( Hʐ8xP HʐD` HʐP H ʐX H ʐbh Hʐj Hʐ|X Hʐ HʐF X HʐJ  HʐP  HʐT  H!ʐZ H( H$ʐ^ p8 H&ʐd h H)ʐh x H+ʐn 8 H.ʐ ` H0ʐ H38 H0PhXpH@``x(0( X8p  %Number of non-blank valuesPercentage of non-blank valuesCumulative% of non-blank valuesNumber of numeric valuesank vaTotalMeanStandard DeviationluesRangeMinimumnon-blaLower QuartileMedianUpper QuartileMaximumToSkewnessStKurtosisonCorrected sum of squaresLoUncorrected sum of squarestileCoefficient of Variation PercentileProportion of valuesarPercentage of valuessuNumber of valuesCo User-DefinedtiBlankCountAllle %CountAlln of Cum%AllPeCountTotalMeanStDevRangeMinimumfinedQ1MedianQ3MaximumllSkewnessKurtosisToCSSUSSCVPropPercentQ1CountUserDefMaExcel add-in for statistics0 ght 2002:US6Statistical Services Centre, The University of ReadingUnited Kingdomp LJ L`(he University of ReadingUn Kingdom 8 H0PhXpH@``x(0( X8ph 8 H0PhXpH@``x(0( X8p HP8 H0PhXpH@``x(0( X8p OE0i48=? n``nRnRCompObjpfo>@r( Contains strings which need translating 80 Descriptive Stats]$Descriptive Statistics]$Number of blank values=]$Number of non-blank values]$Percentage of non-blank values0]$Cumulative% of non-blank values(v]$Number of numeric valuesPz ]$TotalXH]$Meanx]$Standard Deviation]$Range]$Minimum]$Lower Quartile]$Median]$Upper Quartile]$Maximum]$Skewness@]$Kurtosis]$Corrected sum of squaresh]$Uncorrected sum of squares ]$Coefficient of Variation]$ Percentile]$Proportion of valuesH]$Percentage of values]$Number of valuesp]$ User-Defined Summarise]$Blank0]$CountAll]$ %CountAllX]$Cum%All]$Count]$Total]$Mean]$StDev]$Range]$Minimum]$Q1 ]$Median8]$Q3H]$Maximum`]$Skewnessp]$Kurtosis]$CSS]$USS]$CV]$Prop]$Percent]$Count]$UserDef8 About dialog labels]$Excel add-in for statistics]$Copyright 2003:H ]$6Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading]$United Kingdom( ³Attribute VB_Name = "modTranslate" ' Mo dule \ `Copyright 2002: Statistical Services Centre, The University of ReadingKWritten by Colin Grayerhntains sngs which need tIOption Explicit PrivVDesc$rive]s 0 PubAns~t6k us NoOfVa lu~Numberxblank v NonBC non-P8erc age>!CumulItve%>anumV?Tot=GMeanStdevkndard DHevi/onP RQ?$ gkDiCo8unt^vUserDefin@* -` !!Summ se/A %*{!All)%W% >)(@  trQ1 Q32o Ai>SBSS @ ?V;W:7;':'Q?:!;9About \log laxbel$GExcel add-for j!9tr ʖ3:o mpanyA !`UV?r\UKp_K0dom` (p$  H"h B 4 "( PX`hp  x0 "?(" "  6H    &@ *  * P X B  ` Fh   -) ( 0 @ BH .P   L 8&AP"?x *(8  &'L 1yxMEP<<<<< <<<h $ HSoftware\SSC\SSC-Stat\RegReg @ p @EncSerCname Unregistered.v x( @Registered to  P+ `p@P !i pi ` l`" h`$ d`& ``( \+* `$@HAi `r 8 p `+@`@ ((PP: tP< pP> l`( h+, x`@!!xiD iF  H tPr@J ` PL \`FZX +. (`T@ i i Pr`l N `| Licence: to on up to to +0 `d  iR  4 h`|@(i Hi +V ` iid`$P+P  `"@X i xid`$pPn+Z  `l@ `t T  `X@` i` i+@ @ `H@  i`  If  ` `+6  `@  id  i`r`8p`j l+B `@H ,id h i`r`8p`j l (HHH ` Hfor non-commercial use   @ computers.d.˜T PB@SSC-Stat, Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading Public Domain  X % H` tomain` pfor commercial use  d @` h Px(p H  @  x@ ` h Px(p H  @  x@ ` h Px(p H  @  x@ (`` thomain@f d rs.`` tomain@f xd  H H H  Hon one computer only.`` t@@f Hd (`` t@f xd `` t`dt@f d @`dt  H0z  use2 FB z@ 0 @`` t@f d `` t@`dt@f d pX `dt``dt  L @ H hH 80H xHT ` t(` t  H f @ x @h D H `dt(@ p@< `dt@H    : 0, @ ` t p8     ` t@(@ ( `@ x`` t` t@f @d (`` t` t@f d @8Hh  0\ X ( ((h`dt(H H` tP ` px` t x Pp h@ xx `  8 @ ( `dt@8j (@h H ` tpp x Pp h@ xx `  8 @ ( ph P pPp@pF ppX @H 0@8 @( $ @ @ p ` t(0 @@ (@  pp0z ` tp(@T  P    ((\ @Z @ PX  p`R tT  XP `P xh!`dt"hXxh @ "X@x  l  j X!h! !h!X @H h!@8 @( h!$ @" "0(!$ """"`` x"`t$d b $xp $`l @j $0X $$$@$ $$xz 0$$@\ $(p $l $ 0 l;!A " 0( &XL  @   0 8 @P /Xx    H *.8P   B      8@(;X$2   @[ 8 @H` x4  B  D     0 P  p         (       " * P p    8Pp 6  0  B        "   (  8 H B  P X "h  "    B       "?(  P "X     B 4 > <0 p x   "  F +  B  J8  +    B   2  (0  8HP hx B>t  0 B 8 2@ x 8   J>th   X Module modRegistration.basrsion * Routines to validate registration details]Software\SSC\SSC-Stat\Reg ]Reg ]EncSer]Cname ]P] x] p   (f- Validate the user's registration information and save it in the RegistryH|]]]]]    $* ' (Get rid of all but numerics  " $, '  $z$$H'&  & $.  " $0  Registration number is valid 0 Add disk number to it and store in the registryC:\$2 '( X ( X '  ( $6 A4 d $Invalid - tell the user to try again' zkkA(To set up variables correctly' iP@ Removes all non numeric characters from the registration number]h]     $'8 8 0 8 9 * 8 '* k ih' Validate the info held in the Registry]](F Get serial number from Registry and subtract the disk number from it. 1$@ ': C:\$2 '( : X ( X ': 1$@ '< < $F$ ( $B '< < $z$$H'> : > $. ' ] $ ' , CJG 4/7/03ce'$ The following changed by CJG 4/7/03 < ' d $ ' , CJG 4/7/03ru' ,  :       ' e + ' ki@]]](]@ D  Reg no is too short', zkH p'L  L D   $'L D   $X'F F F  Invalid array index', zk D  $X D   $X+H `'F  F $H 'F  L D $'L L ', ix> Returns true if the unencrypted registration number is valid.]]A@N '.  $Gzj Subtract version number     X '  $ $P '   $P '   $P '  '. + yxkphi`($ Licence types encoded in reg number+ Single user+ + Small group+ + Medium group+ Site+ + o'0 R Gzj R X ZX '0 k`iX  AT   AT o(h] d G  d'$j  d $ d $$X  '$ $'V i]'P '$  d $ d $$X  '$  d G $ d'$j $ $ $X 'P ki. Called by dlg_Registration when it is loaded.8 Creates the Instat registry entry if it does not exist.5 Returns false if user does not privileges to do this] ^  $\ ' 'Z i @ Puts Registration number into Registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ^  ` d A@b oX $D Extracts Registration number from Registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]( ^  ` $h '   f '@ d  '@ ki@ + Encodes a text string using a given number] ] ] X 'j '8  d 8 '8 8 j  G'8j< Add next numeric digit to ascii code of next text character 6 d $$X  j 8$X $F'6 i@ + Decodes a text string using a given number] ] ] X 'j $%Convert a negative number to positive'8  d 8 '8 8 j  G'8jC subtract next numeric digit from ascii code of next text character B d $$X  j 8$X $F'B i ]  T ' ]@SSC-Stat, Statistical Services Centre, The University of Reading` 8Registration was successfulA@(! 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D B " &Hp& 0   6(  H h x   ,&9   ( 8 Xhp  $x   $$J 0 P `h px *$7   (0 8@H  P p  D 2 & 80 h $  $  B ,X 4 . < 80 Dh "$  8,,8.h.  6   ( +8 HX`  h " &  $L  H h 2x (  $ $;@ h   ,+    ! D! 6X! &! 8! ! $" 8" $X" " B" ," 4# 0H# Dx# #" # *#($  0$ P$  p$ $ $ $$$  ($$ % 0% @%P%  X% x% % B % <% %%%%  %&0& H&.lh&& & &x3----------------------------------------------------- VbRegMod.Bas--- A Visual Basic 32-Bit Module For Accessing-- The Windows Registry.---- Date: Sunday, May 17, 1998 -- By Custom Software Designers.-- Programmer Raymond L. King3---------------------------------------------------"i '-- Windows Registry Root Key Constants.]$]$]$]$]$(Q]$P'-- Windows Registry Key Type Constants.]$ 0) Key is preserved when system is rebooted]$x0 Unicode nul terminated string]$H0 32-bit number]$0 Unicode nul terminated string]$0 Free form binaryhe u]$p0 32-bit number]$0" 32-bit number (same as REG_DWORD)-- Function Error Constants.n numb]$ Re]$- Ap-- Registry Access Rights.]$@ ]$]$h]$ P ]$ ]$]$ ]$ ']$8']$k]$0i]$    `le u]$       X g]$  te]$   %-- Windows Registry API Declarations. R -- Registry API To Open A Key. $-- Registry API To Create A New Key. d '(-- Registry API To Query A String Value.'$T Note that if you declare the lpData parameter as String, you must pass it By Value. $.-- Registry API To Query A Long (DWORD) Value. $j&-- Registry API To Query A NULL Value.i Calle&-- Registry API To Set A String Value.tat reT Note that if you declare the lpData parameter as String, you must pass it By Value. this,-- Registry API To Set A Long (DWORD) Value. -- Registry API To Delete A Key. &-- Registry API To Delete A Key Value. -- Registry API To Close A Key.  )p -- Constants For Error Messages.]$Error: Opening Registry Key!]$Error: Deleteing Key!]$Error: Creating Key! ]$Error: Querying Value!=---------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure : Public Method VbRegDeleteKey -- Programmer : Raymond L. King1-- Created On : Sunday, May 17, 1998 11:03:04 AM-- Module : VbRegMod-- Module File : VbRegMod.bas-- Project : Project1-- Project File: Project1.vbp-- Parameters :<-- RootKey : The Root Key To Open, EG: HKEY_CURRENT_USER%-- KeyName : The Key Name To Open--- : Example: MySettings\Settings4-- SubKey : The Sub Key Under KeyName To Delete=------------------------------------------------------------- ]D -- API Return Value]D -- Handle Of Key#-- Open The Specified Registry Key. $ ' -- Check For An Error.   A@ A@ |xkp-- Delete The Registry SubKey. ` $ ' -- Check For An Error.   A@k-- Close The Registry Key. A@ o=---------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure : Public Method VbRegCreateKey -- Programmer : Raymond L. King1-- Created On : Sunday, May 17, 1998 11:03:18 AM-- Module : VbRegMod-- Module File : VbRegMod.bas-- Project : Project1-- Project File: Project1.vbp-- Parameters :<-- RootKey : The Root Key To Open, EG: HKEY_CURRENT_USER+-- KeyName : The New Key Name To Create--- : Example: MySettings\Settings=------------------------------------------------------------- ]D`-- Registry API Return Value]Dx-- Handle Of Open Key-- Create The New Registry Key. x  $ '\ -- Check For An Error. If lRtn <> ERROR_SUCCESS Then MsgBox CreateErr End If-- Close The Registry Key. A@ i =-------------------------------------------------------------.-- Procedure : Public Method VbRegQueryValue -- Programmer : Raymond L. King1-- Created On : Sunday, May 17, 1998 11:03:29 AM-- Module : VbRegMod-- Module File : VbRegMod.bas-- Project : Project1-- Project File: Project1.vbp-- Parameters :<-- RootKey : The Root Key To Open, EG: HKEY_CURRENT_USER%-- KeyName : The Key Name To Open--- : Example: MySettings\Settings(-- ValueName : The Value Name To Query=-------------------------------------------------------------]D0-- API Return Code]DH-- Handle Of Open Key]D` -- The Data]Dx-- Long (DWORD) Value]D-- String Value]D -- Type Returned String Or DWORD-- Open The Registry Key. $ ' -- Check For An Error.   MsgBox OpenErr A@ zX kP %-- Query Registry Key For Value Type.   $ ' -- Check For An Error.   MsgBox QueryErr A@ zk-- Get The Key Value By Type. KT-- REG_SZ (String)  $\' -- Get Registry String Value.   $ ' -- Check For Error.   'h d 'h kKT -- REG_DWORD#-- Get Registry Long (DWORD) Value.    $ ' -- Check For Error.    'h d 'h kn-- Close The Registry Key. A@ ix=-------------------------------------------------------------,-- Procedure : Public Method VbRegSetValue -- Programmer : Raymond L. King1-- Created On : Sunday, May 17, 1998 11:03:42 AM-- Module : VbRegMod-- Module File : VbRegMod.bas-- Project : Project1-- Project File: Project1.vbp-- Parameters :<-- RootKey : The Root Key To Open, EG: HKEY_CURRENT_USER%-- KeyName : The Key Name To Open--- : Example: MySettings\Settings'-- ValueName : The Value Name To Open6-- KeyType : The Key Type, EG: REG_SZ Or REG_DWORD1-- KeyValue : The Value To Set Under ValueName=-------------------------------------------------------------  ]D(-- Returned Value From API Registry Call]D-- Handle Of The Opened Key]D-- Setting A Long Data Value]D-- Setting A String Data Value]D-- Size Of String Data To Set-- Open The Registry Key. $ ' -- Check For An Error.   A@ A@ |k-- Select The Key Type.  KT-- REG_SZ (String)  ' -- Assign Key Value ' -- Get Size Of String-- Set String Value.  d  $ ' -- Check For An Error.  , MsgBox "Error Setting String Value!" A@ |8k0KT -- REG_DWORD  ' -- Assign The Long Value.-- Set The Long Value (DWORD).  |  $ ' -- Check For An Error.  !Error Setting Long (DWORD) Value!A@k0n(-- Close The Registry Key. A@ o=-------------------------------------------------------------/-- Procedure : Public Method VbRegDeleteValue -- Programmer : Raymond L. King1-- Created On : Sunday, May 17, 1998 11:03:49 AM-- Module : VbRegMod-- Module File : VbRegMod.bas-- Project : Project1-- Project File: Project1.vbp-- Parameters :<-- RootKey : The Root Key To Open, EG: HKEY_CURRENT_USER%-- KeyName : The Key Name To Open--- : Example: MySettings\Settings)-- ValueName : The Value Name To Delete=------------------------------------------------------------- ]D-- API Call Returned Value]D-- Handle Of Opened Key-- Open Registry Key... $ ' -- Check For An Error.   A@ A@ |8k0"-- Delete Opened Key Value Name...  $ ' -- Check For An Error.   A@k-- Close The Registry Key. A@ op6 returns the serial number of the specified disk drive]H]`]x]initialise the strings$ F$ \' $ F$ \' call the API function        $ '  '2 iXPOAttribute VB_Name = "modRegApi" Option Explicit '-/j VbMod.Bas"A Vi sual ic 32-Bit "ule For Accessing/The Windows Kistry.Date: Sunday, May 17, 1998By Custom Software Designers# Programmer Raymond L. KA}[ Root KeHonstant@Pub C HKEY_CLASSE@S_ROOT&HH80 URRENT_COPNFIG 5U(SER 1 DY@N_DATA 6 LOCAL_M@ACHINEI 2kQ SI 3VLKTypeGQLREG_OPTION_NVOLATIRL!0 '\is preserved when system rebfedL+EXPAND_4SZ,2E' Unicode nul termin@d JlADWORD4+A'bnumberP$"1S@o$BINARY@3 ' Free form bry_BIG_ENDIAN 5 LIT8TLEg$  (sAa`?b)HFuncCrrk1GERROR_@SUCCESQ0@6`cÉEĔ RighxSYNCHRONIZMa1w&ADvTROL@ &H2 STOARD_RIGHTS_ALc1F_REA!M(% $JR pWRITQUERY_VALUd,aSET( !C`TE_L8INKd SU,B_`4ENUMERA $APNOTIFA^&

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